let's Play

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Max's POV:

This news reporter from out of town was asking me lots of questions, and one lady that was obviously visiting with her seemed to already know exactly what I was going to answer. It was strange to say the least. The news lady and her crew had finished questioning me and started asking my employees for any extra information and or missed details. I was cleaning the cups they had drank from when Violet joined me behind the counter. She must have finished her interviews.

"So, how's Pearl?" I asked as she picked up a rag and an empty glass cup. She shrugged and set the glass down, still holding the rag. She took a seat on the counter and began to speak. "She's doing good, doesn't really have much time to like talk anymore I guess?" Violet told me prior to today that Pearl had been kind of... distant lately. "Well, I'm sorry, darling. Maybe Trixie should try to talk to her. After all, the two are best friends." I assured her, rubbing her shoulder with one hand. She smiled, and spoke again. "Yeah, it's not that she just won't talk to me though, she just sleeps a lot more, you know? She's always sleeping nowadays and I'm tiered after work so we never really talk anymore, even if we do live together." I nodded and looked Violet in the eye. "Maybe you should write her a note? One to read when she has time? I'm no doctor, I can't explain that, but it is very confusing. I'm sure she may just be suck or something. Give her time." "I would, but what if time is too much?" She asked me. "Whatever do you mean, darling?" I asked her. "What if I give her time... and it's too much? What if she's already dying?" Tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Violet, dear, don't be so negative. Pearl is a strong girl, a.d there isn't a cause for her to die. Even if she was, she would have told you by now. I know that because she loves you." I assured her. She placed her head in her hands. "I know, I love her, but I... I just don't understand anything anymore, Max." I heard her say, the words muffled by both her tears and hands. "Neither do I, dear, but that's okay, you aren't supposed to understand it. You just have to trust that someone out there does and that they can help you to understand it. I mean, is that not what Pearl helped you with? To understand what was happening? Vi, its your turn to help her. Just let her know that you are there for her. I'm sure she's fine."

Violet got off the table and went to the bathroom to fix her makeup. I finished washing the glasses and started putting them in shelves. I took off my hand gloves, they were made if white lace, and set them by the sink, before walking over to where the news crew and Fame were talking. "Hello!" I greeted them, but was shushed by a girl in pink, with pink hair, and three palettes of highlight on her face. I forgot that they were recording.

The news anchor continued talking and asking questions, so I sat there next to Fame eating a home baked crumpet. I got up from my seat to bake another batch of cupcakes, seeing as the super tall lady with tall hair and a country like accent ate them all. I wasn't going to even go near being rude, but she wasn't the most fit, she was kind of a portly woman. Violet still hadn't left the bathroom.

I finished mixing the batter and started setting cupcake wrappers in the pan. The woman who had ate the last batch of cupcakes shouted, it somewhat terror, I assumed. The camera fell to the ground and immediately shattered into small pieces. The odd looking spokesman with 30 pounds of makeup got up from her seat and wiped up the floor.

"How-" A girl with full on green skin and green clothing spoke up. She hadn't talked the entire time I was here. I checked the oven where I had just placed my raw cupcakes. "That's strange..." I mumbled, noticing the oven was not turning on and the cupcakes hadn't been baked. "What?" A country accent asked me. "The oven isn't working..." I told the crowd. "The door is locked." Fame exclaimed.

Then it hit me. Violet. I ran to the bathroom door and pulled but it didn't open. "Violet!" I shouted, but there was no response. This was bad. Really bad.

The lights went out.

After about ten seconds, they flicked back on. I was alone.

What happened?

"Lets play a game," A creepy voice sou fed in the room.

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