And I don't ever wanna see them again

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Shangela's POV:
Dear Dela,
I wrote into my phone, seeing as she had just given me her number, I was going to tell her I liked her today- I think.
Ever since that day we met, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I sound cliche, but you know what, that's fine, as long as you know I love you. This is Shangela, hi. Come to the park I guess to talk about it?

*You deleted one message*

I sat in my bed and sighed. Why was I so bad at this?

Dela's POV:
Last night when we had met up at Max's cafe, we had exchanged numbers. I sat in my room and pulled up contacts. I clicked on add new and typed in Shangela's number. I named the contact, "Shangela ♡" and exited the app. I clicked the messaging app, and then clicked on the contact that I had just created. I typed her a message.
Hey, if you couldn't tell by the number, it's Dela!

She quickly responded as if she had been expecting me to text her.

Hey girl!

I wrote back

I have to go grab something to eat talk to you later?

Sure thing Ben

Alright, Love you, bye!

Oh no. I didn't mean it. I clicked rapidly on my phone yelling "DELETE DELETE DELETE!" And I sounded like Laganja, in some alternate universe. (violetliaison)

Shangela's POV:

Alright, love you, bye!

This couldn't be happening. U replied to the message.

Love you too.
Read by Dela<3

*Shangela♡ deleted 1 message*

She made my contact name with a heart?

Cracker's POV:
Aquaria and I were on the couch in her room hugging each other. We had been seated like that for 1:23:47 (one hour, twenty-three minutes and forty-seven seconds.) I had been counting. Times like this don't come often, especially in athe place like this. I leaned my head on Aquaria's shoulder while she scrolled through her instagram. She had been looking at a photo by someone named 'KimChi_Chic' who I had never heard of. "Who's that?" I asked picking my head up. "She's friends with Pearl and Trixie, I found her off their follow list." She explained. "I'm jealous of her lashes, though." Aquaria said laughing pointing to the girl on the screen. She had long dark eyelashes, that were definitely far from invisible. There was a knock on the door, so loud that we could hear it from Aquaria's room upstairs. "I'LL GET IT!" She shouted, grabbing my hand and running down the dark steps on the stairs. She let go of my hand, to my dismay, and opened the door. A girl who was taller than both if us with dark hair and glittery blue makeup appeared to be at the door. "Hi, I'm Naomi. Naomi Smalls," she said, handing a paper to Aquaria. "My friend Kim happened to loose her cat, if you see it, call that number." She said walking away. There was a picture on the flyer that was undeniably the girl who's instagram Aquaria had recently been viewing with a black cat in her hands. "That's a nice cat." I said as I watched the cat in the photo blink.

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