Is this thing on?

72 7 13

3rd person POV:
Adore had been going through her old stuff looking for things that could remind her if Bianca. She sat on the floor with a large card board box rummaging through the continents. She felt a large metal object, so she pulled it out. The item was a camera, the lens pointing at her face. There was a small red flash in the corner so she said to the camera, "Is this thing on?" She then laughed about her stupid mistake of not knowing it had been recording. She ended the video and looked through the camera's memory card. She had never seen this camera before- someone must have put it there. She clicked on the camera's screen, scrolling through the videos that had been taken. Only two caught her eye. One with a large green car and the other a photo of Bianca's face on the covers. She clicked on the one of Bianca. It had been the longest video on the memory card. She pressed 'play'. It had been filmed the day before the crash.

"Okay so, I'm filming this because I want to surprise Adore," The camera switched around so that it was facing the floor now. There was a written letter in the corner of the camera screen, and Adore had been trying to read it. "I'm not going to Courtney's party thing, because I need to work on this," She said into the camera's speaker. The camera flipped to a long dark-purple gown, almost a cool toned burnt umber. Adore was walking out her home, still watching the video. Bianca had explained what the dress had been for. It was for her. Adore smiled softly as tears escaped her eyes. She got to Bianca's house and saw the green vehicle that had been in the video. She inspected it closely, seeing that the license plate hat two words written over the numbers and a lime green spray paint. It said "Double Trouble." Adore stood there in shock. Why would someone just park her after being in a video filmed by Bianca. Adore had decided to hide behind the car while she finished the first video. Bianca's face flashed back onto the screen "Adore, if you ever see this, know that I love you, even if I showed it or not." That's when Adore's confused expression became a sad one. "You were always worth more to me than any of our other friends, and trust me, I don't have trouble saying that." She said and the video ended. Adore leaned her head back so that her scalp was touching the green car. "I love you, too. More than anything." She said to the sky, remembering what Sharon had once told her. "You can still tell people you love them, dead or alive, you just have to believe that they are listening." And Adore knew Bianca had been listening to her. She always did, even when others didn't. She turned on the next video, the one with the green car. It had been taken the day of the crash. Bianca had the camera set on her car, near the front window. It looked like she had not known that it was on, seeing as she never made eye contact *cue Katya joke* with the camera. Aloud noise, that most likely hadn't been a crash, fired. It sounded like a bullet. A large window in the back of Bianca's car cracked sending small pieces of glass every where. Bianca's eyes widened, as she took her hands of the wheel, and her belt off her body. She looked behind her and from what Adore could see, her facial expression turned to one of shock, fear, and nervousness. Bianca unlocked her car after stopping it from moving, and quickly hopped out. She had noticed the camera, and with a confused glance, grabbed it. The green car pulled up, and a female stepped out of it. The girl in the car was not anyone Adore hadn't seen. In fact, it was Laganja Estranga, Adore's oldest friend. Adore looked at the camera in disbelief. Laganja had been the one who kidnapped Bianca? The camera was still rolling when Bianca had been pushed  into a small cellar at the hospital. Adore knew where that was. She had been there before, but Bianca wasn't. Whoever this madman was who had been making Laganja do their dirty work kidnapped Bianca for a reason, and the only reason Adore could currently think of was to get them all in the same room at the same time. Adore had stood up from her previous spot on the ground, and knocked on Bianca's house door. No answer. She grabbed a bobby pin from her flannel's pocket, which she only kept because Trixie would always need one whenever thy had hung out. Adore fumbled around with the pin and eventually got it unlocked. She walked into the home and up the stairs to Bianca's room, where the first video had been filmed. She saw the letter she had been trying to read, and she picked it up. It was a letter to her from Bianca, that had never been sent. "Absolutelyyyyyyy," Adore had heard from behind her.

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