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Adore's POV:

I loved her. I loved her. I lost her. I couldn't take it. She was gone. I sat in my bed glancing around the room. There's no place like home, but home isn't home without the people you love. I wasn't home. I was in aa building thinking of what lead up to this point in my life. I pulled out some paper and wrote what came to mind. This is how it ends I hated the fact that my relationship ended with Bianca. It hasn't even gotten to the point where I wanted it to be. Never meant to hurt you I'm the reason this happened. If I never called her this wouldn't have happened. I'm a pretty mess I couldn't take it without her my life was a mess. And I don't deserve you. Bianca helped me with everything. I never returned the favor. I've run out of time there is no way I can change what I've done now. She was gone. And second chances. I couldn't count the amour of times I've made a mistake and Bianca accepted my apologies for them. Sorry couldn't build your white picket fences. I couldn't build the relationship I wish she wanted. I took it down. And I only got my self to blame

I only had myself to blame.

A/N : another short chapterrrrr

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora