Screaming hard, her tongue it stings

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Violet's POV:
I woke up in the bed, and Pearl hadn't been there. I got up, my leg burning. I winced in pain, but headed to the bathroom. I saw Pearl standing there. "Pearl?" I asked, and she froze, as if she were scared of me. I looked in the mirror to see she was holding an orange bottle of pills. "Pearl..." she turned around. "Look, Vi, a random hotel worker gave these to me, I was trying to find out what they were," I let out a heavy breath, being relieved that she hadn't tried to kill herself or anything related. She set the pills down and walked to the bed, grabbing the remote to the television. She sat there for a bit just scrolling through channels. There was a knock at the door, and even though I had an injury, I went to the door. Pearl had tried to stop me, but she needed rest. She always had dark bags under her eyes and fell asleep at the worst times. I saw that employee, Kennedy, at the door. "Hello." She said looking past my shoulder. "Hi?" I asked. "Is Violet Chachki here?" She asked me. "Yeah, that's me," I told her, raising one if my beautiful eyebrows. Trust me, I see them every day, I'd know. She looked me up and down, drawing some attention to my scar with her eyes. I pretended it hadn't been there as she cleared her throat. "There is someone in the office for you, shall I tell her to wait?" I looked at Pearl and back at the employee. "Yeah, tell her I will be there in t or 10." I said smiling, and she walked away. I told Pearl what had just happened, and she suggested that it could be one of our friends. It was possible.

I exited the room after replacing my shorts with black skinny jeans so that no one questioned the large scarred over incision on my leg. I slowly closed the door and walked to the elevator. After realising there was a sign in it saying it was broken, I walked to the stair case. This place needs more elevators on my floor. The stairs went down so may flights that my leg had basically collapsed when I hit the first floor. I walked to the front desk, slightly forcing my own leg to follow behind. Walking past the elevators and food places, I saw a cute cafe placed in the hotel. I smiled to myself thinking of Max and Fame, and how they wanted to be able to have cafes in all places around the US and maybe even other countries. I loved how positive they were, I could never be that way, even with them being as close of friends to me as they are. I stopped by the worker at the desk, and it had been that girl named 'Jaidynn' from the elevator. She smiled at me and looked at some papers before asking if I was Violet Chachki, which obviously, I was. She told me that a gurl was waiting for me at the doors, so that's where I went. A familiar antique scent filled the air and a faint smell of an animal, not like a house pet, I actually smelled and animal. It smelled like the road exhibit in the zoo, which confused me thoroughly. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pull me backwards, into the hard brick wall if the hotel. One hand had been around my mouth, and no one saw anything, except maybe the people zooming past in cars, but they hadn't said anything. The person who had pushed me had to be shorter, because looking straight forward, I saw nothing. I looked down and saw that gremlin with red hair. She had a large red bruise forming on the back of her jawline. She obviously had gotten beat up or in a fight, and still took her chances. I screamed for help but no one heard, then I remembered that the window to my hotel room was facing this direction, so I started screaming for Pearl's help. I knew she heard me, I heard her struggle to open the curtains from that high up. I heard Pearl shouting my name from the hotel room, and Ginger let go of me, retreating to where she had come from. My throat burned from begging for help, I could barely speak when Pearl asked me if I was okay.

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