We can Party

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Alyssa's POV:

Laganja and Gia had been kicked out of the Haus, and to be honest, girl, I had no idea how those two were still alive. Shangela had run out of ramen, and the postal service stopped delivering in these parts yesterday. Mama, if we didn't find somewhere to stay, we'd be dead. People had evacuated a while back, but now even more are starting to leave. Pearl and Violet are in Hawaii, Adore had gone to New Orleans to explain the entire situation to Bianca's family. Sharon, Alaska, Aquaria, and Cracker all moved downtown into an old haunted house. Laganja and Gia were probably in the forest poppin' their tongues at wolves right now, Courtney and Willam were planning on moving back to California, of even visit Court's parents in Australia. Trixie and Katya were also staying like me, and as did Dela. Dela had stayed here, she and Shangela had gotten closer over the past week. Max and Fame are staying until the cafe is run out of business, and Tatianna was going through Sharon's old paranormal activity books, trying to bring Coco back to life. I wouldn't be upset if it didn't work, just saying, mama. I invited all the girls who could make it over for a final party in the area. Yesterday, Adore had informed me that my former drag daughter tried to black mail her, and she headed off to New Orleans. I called everyone one by one. Almost everyone could make it. Adore was leaving New Orleans today, and would be staying in this town for as long as she could. I stopped by the super market and picked up what food they had left. A party ain't a party without food, girl. I came back to the Haus and set up. People should start arriving soon. Max and Fame came in with sweets from their bakery, followed by Dela, then Willam, Courtney, and Adore. Sharon and her family arrived and Shangela came down stairs. She and Dela started talking and I set up a karoke booth for the girls who were actually talented. Courtney sang a 15 minute love song for Willam, and then begged Adore to go up there after Trixie and Katya had given us a live performance of ravioli. Adore hadn't sung since she found out that Bianca had actually in fact, died. She stood with the microphone in her hands and said, "I wrote this when I found out about the crash," She began to sing a song that she had called "I adore you" and we all gave her claps. She had a sad and faint smile before returning to the 4 slices of pizza that had been chilling on her plate. I loud noise sounded, causing everyone in the room to tumble to the ground. From the door arose a familiar girl, and I don't mean she opened them mama, she flew right past 'um. The floating girl was none other than Tatianna. Her eyes were like crystals, which was unusual seeing as she had dark brown ones. She floated down and stood on the floor, somehow. Then I remembered, the last thing she had been doing was messing with dead people. We all looked at each other in shock when the familiar "Hello, Hello, Hello." Sounded off in our ears.

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