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Sharon's POV
There was a weird painting one back scene of the photo that hadn't been at the building, and even weirded the painting seemed as if it was glowing. There was a set of numbers directly written on clear bold print reading 613676
I had seen those numbers before, but I had no clue from where. I went through every password on my phone that I knew. Nothing. Adore was being taken care if by Max and Jinkx right now, while I figured this out and Violet alongside Fame, did their shifts. I hopped in my car and saw a bright green SUV roll up to Bianca's old home with a speed well over the limit. I followed the car to Bianca's driveway and pulled my vehicle to a stop. Two girls got out, one with short banged platinum blonde hair, and the other, long straight dark hair. They walked into the house and didn't bother closing the door. I followed them in. I heard foot steps behind me, so I ran up the stairs and into a room that was full of things I didn't even know existed. I looked at all the nicely organized white shelves and drawers. Bianca kept every memory she had in here. I looked in some shelves, but one thing in particular caught my eye. It was a letter that hadn't been opened ever from what looked like 2 or 3 years ago. It was from an address with the zip code: 613676. I knew where I had heard that before. I ripped open the letter and saw what I was awaiting.

Dear Bianca Del Rio,

I read from the letter. Ink from the bottom half had been smudged all over, but I knew who had sent this letter. I snuck back into my car and drive to the address. Upon arrival, I had realized I left Alaska with our daughter and almost daughter in law. I'd call her after this, I decided, hoping she wouldn't hate me. I stepped into the street and out if my car. "Darienne." I said seeing the Original Elephant Queen ™ standing by a dark gray car, washing of a spot that had bird poop on it. "He'll, Sharon." She greeted me looking up from her car. "What's this?" I asked handing her the letter. A small smirk appeared on her face as she said one word "Nothin'" "you aren't helping your cause," I explained giving her a glare. "Look, all I know is that I sent that letter to Bianca 3 years ago, and she never wrote me back!" She shouted, her voice filled with rage. "Alright, but what does it say?" I asked imprisoning to the smudged ink all over the paper. She waved her hand signaling for me to follow her, so I did. She grabbed a black light flash light thing and handed it to me. "There, now go." She said pushing the door on me. I drove home, greeted the girls, went to my office, turned off the light, set down the note, and flicked in the flash light. I gasped noticing what Darienne had written to someone she called a friend.

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