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Dela's POV:

Whoever Laganja had been working for had captured 3 people for no reason and had an unsettling hatrid for the color green. I assumed it would be Michelle, but if it was why is she so tall? Why did she have blonde hair? Why wouldn't she have kidnapped someone she really hated like Adore? No, the person wasn't Michelle. Whoever it was wanted it to look like it had been Michelle all along. The 3 girls in here obviously included me and Bianca, but there had been a new addition to our 'group'. A girl with blonde hair tightly placed in a bun wearing pink had been thrown in last night. She tells us to call her Miz, or Cracker, and she lost her girl friend while being took down here. Cracker hadn't been tied up yet, and as for me only my hands were. Bianca however, didn't have the best of luck. She was tied by the hands and had ropes around her legs stopping her from walking. I imagine the person who brought her here had a hard time getting her to be still, and her mouth had a long strip of duct tape on it. Whoever had placed that there mist likely got annoyed, offended, or both by her big mouth. We well all sat in a cell waiting for the day we would be set free. A man shorter than all 3 of us walked in with a roll if hot pink tape- the same color that was on Bianca's mouth. The guy placed it on my lips before I was able to do anything and cut some rope from the yard of it on the wall. He tied my legs together and moved onto Cracker. With some arguments, she had been tied up just like Bianca and I had been. The man walked out without a word. I made eye contact with Bianca, and for once in my entire life, I saw fear flash in her eyes.


After sitting in silence for a couple minutes, I had heard voices outside the door. It was an unfamiliar one, which I assume was the man who just came in with tape, a woman with a pretty deep voice, who was somehow older than Bianca herself, and a girl- a girl's voice who I knew. Adore was out there. Cracker had fallen asleep. From what I could understand, she was trying to tell us something, but randomly lost consciousness somehow. I looked at Bianca who seemed to be fighting the ropes around her limbs. The person had come in here because he expected a guest, and that guest happened to be Adore Delano.

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz