And that's how I know

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Gia's POV:
Laganja and I had been living in Bianca's once again uninhabited home for a bit now, and definitely have some unusual experiences every once in awhile, but doesn't everyone here? Ganja and I had been driving around town when I spotted something. It was a large sign. It had words on it in a large print saying that tonight is the last night for a rap battle to be held in this area. I had told Laganja what I read, and she turned the car to dive that way. Once we had got there, we both got performance numbers. Mine was a 9, which I think I should have been a 10. My number was called up and I was going against a girl with black hair who I looked older than me. "Ready?" The man running the battles asked. "Absolutely." I replied. "My name is Gia Gunn, spelled G I A Gunn." I spoke, matching the tone to the rhythm. "Just got off the boat, you know, a little trip from Asia, just landed like a fresh tilapia, and I think it's time we get some fresh fish up in here, ain't that right Laganja?" I rapped to this girl who stood opposite the stage from me. "Okurrrrrrr " Laganja shouted from the audience. I smiled, knowing I had a great read that I had earlier used against Alyssa. "I don't like messy queens, I don't like manly queens, I don't like trashy queens, and I don't like cheap queens." I did a dance this time to show this girl I wasn't playing. "I don't like messy queens, I don't like manly queens, I don't like trashy queens, I don't like cheap queens!" J shouted into the Mic, repeating myself as the beep went of signaling the other girl's turn. "Uh, check, check one, two." She said holding the microphone to her lips. "Check check, check one, two. Uhm, my mic's a little hot. No, no that's a little hot couture." The music began to get louder. "Mix it on point, turn me up little, turn me up. La la la la la la la la la la- I sound terrible, I sound like a ma- J sound like you." She said looking at me, who gave her an offended look. "I know there's a button we can press to make me sound like a- a woman." She told the stage managers, as if she hadn't been just reading me- oh wait she was using that line to read me. She was a good actress *why hello, Tammie* I guess. "Could I just sing it a monotone?" She asked the DJ who had been filling in for one of my  'friends', Pearl. The girl with dark hair then decided to have a performance for the audience singing a song about "Hot Couture". Moments later it had been Ganja's turn on stage. She walked on and a girl with umberish colored hair and large muscles joined her on the stage. The muscley girl has been chosen to begin the battle. "Hey you there now pay attention to me, we fought for our right to live and be who we be." She wasn't a shady lady, seeing as she hadn't chosen to rap about Laganja in a rude way, instead she created her own rap. "We will not be silenced, and I won't sit down, I'm gay and proud, might not be loud, but I found my sound. Kids called me names and tried to tear me down, but I had big old dreams, bigger than my small town." She smiled and waved at the audience before awaiting Ganja's rap. "Legs over head like a pretzel!" She announced as the music played. "You know you want it! You like how I throw it back like a missile. I got my legs overhead like a pretzel! You know you want it, you like how I throw it like a missile!" She exclaimed repeating the same words over and over and over again. "And the winner of this battle is...." The DJ said standing up. "KAMERON MICHAELS! CONGRATULATIONS!" He grabbed the hand of the 18 year old who had just rapped against Laganja and raised it. The girl jumped for joy and ran down the steps to who I assumed had been her parents. All I heard was her yelling to someone named Chad about being exited. From what J understood, Chad had been the name of her adoptive mother.

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