Day 2, Chicken

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Fame's POV:

I was in the cafe working after hours, like usual. I started staying later than necessary to be near Max, because she always made me feel special. She was always so sweet to me, and I could really be myself around her. Violet had left to go home around 5 minutes ago, and is probably just now getting home. During work today she had told me about her 'adventures' last night with Pearl. Those two have been shipped by Max for ages, and we would be absolutely delighted to hear about Violet telling Pearl how she felt, even if Pearl had been asleep. Everyone knows Pearl is basically always asleep, but she is never fully asleep until she has been lying down for a bit, so there is a chance she had heard. I was snapped out of my deep thought when Max told me I could stop rubbing the table with the lush red wash cloth I had been holding. I picked it up and walked towards the supply closet and placed the rag in the dirty laundry bin that Max would wash weekly. I sat in a wooden chair across where Max had been filling out health and safety paper work. I waited for her to finish and started to fiddle with my thumbs. I was actually in love with this girl, she flipped my world upside down, and what can I say, I liked being upside down. I liked Max. From her grey hair all the way to her huge heart, she was prefect. "I finished my work," she said taking of a pair of reading glasses and placing them on the table we were seated at. I had kissed Max in the bathroom that one time, but we weren't official, and I wanted to be- so bad. I placed my hand on hers and asked, "want to order food and watch a movie?" She nodded smiling, and we walked outside the cafe hand and hand, heading to my place. She scrolled through some random phone numbers for restaurants that actually would deliver to a place like the one we lived in, and asked me what I wanted. "Chicken." I told her not even processing the question I had been asked. "I love chicken." I added, causing Max to giggle and search on her phone "Chicken places to order from" in some weird actually educated sounding form, that if I tried to read I'd pronounce every word wrong, except, of course, chicken. I unlocked the door and waited for Mac to walk in before shutting it and returning it to its locked state. We sat on the carpet just talking until the delicious smelling, and tasting meal arrived at our door. I stood up to get it, opened and re-locked the door, and played for the food. I sat it on the coffee table and we continued to talk while eating. I was happier than I had been in forever, and that's all thanks to the miracle I called Max. We eventually finished our food and went to my room to watch a movie. Max had ended up being terrified of the film 'Halloween'. She kept hiding her face in my neck and hugging me, which I obviously didn't mind, I for one thought it was really cute. We had gotten to the end of the movie when we ended up falling asleep with the next movies still playing on loop. We were unconscious in my bed together. Together. And that's all that mattered.

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