What am I feeling?

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???'s POV:

I sobbed silently at her grave. She was thin, white, salty, and gone. I sat a single red rose in the dirt in memory if the one she gave to me on our first date. "You good kid?" I heard from behind me. I quickly spun around and saw a woman who was taller than me and seemed older. "Yeah..." I replied drying my tears on my sleeve. She glanced at me sadly before looking at the stars. "How many?" She asked me still staring at the sky. "How many what?" I looked her but she kept her eyes glued in the direction of a large star, slightly bigger than what I recognized as Venus. "People are you visiting here?" She said. "Just my dead girlfriend," I replied still sad about the topic. "I'm here to see my mother." She told me still looking at the sky. "What are you looking at?" I sat by her in the grass. "No, its what am I looking for." I looked in the direction she was. "What is that?" I asked her yet another question. "My mom," she said and looked down at me. "I thought she was.... dead." I asked her trying not to sound offensive. "All people who are dead are dead, but they never loose their souls." She replied plucking a dandelion from the ground and placing it behind my ear. "Not everyone who us gone is gone for good." She told me, though it sounded more as she was reassuring herself. "Want a ride home?" She reached her hand out for me. "I uh I don't have a place to go with my girl friend-" I stopped to wipe a loose tear. She smiled at me "you can stay with me. You can be my daughter now, okay?" She said genuinely "thank you.." I told her. "How old are you?" She asked grabbing my hand heading down the hill. "18." I told her. "My name is Sharon, Sharon Needles." She told me opening the passengers door. "Aquaria." I said closing it. She came and sat on the other side and turned on the radio to a song by someone called 'Blair St. Clair' she had great vocals. "Wanna stop by the store new kid?" She asked my finishing her sentence with a laugh. "Sure, mom" I retorted back earning a faint smile from her. I couldn't explain how I felt. It was the different than how I felt around Miz, and I knew I lived her this feeling, this feeling is home. I finally felt at home. I finally had a family.

A/N: Another short one adding some Aquafinaaaaaaa

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt