The Lonely Town With Nina Brown

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3rd Person POV:

Less and less people visit this place, but with a new crew arriving the population skyrocketed, and that says a lot about how many people who still lived in the lonely, old parts of New York City. It sure said a lot.

Nina Bo'nina Brown walked down the roads in search of a new story. She had to be the biggest hit if she wanted that pay raise. Her news show, "Not On Today" was airing in about ten to fifteen minutes. The camera crew behind her began setting up. Now, Nina, being Nina, always had a makeup look inspired by the story she would be covering. Today, she wore a skeleton inspired look, her makeup on point. She scanned the almost completely abandoned town, and pulled a microphone from the hand of an assistant named Alexis Michelle. Alexis, obviously was annoyed. It was Alexis after all.

The lady holding the camera, also known as Eureka O'hara started filming, and Nina took her position in front of the lens. "Hello, and welcome back to Not On Today! We have many stories that we will be covering, but first up, healthy food choices with my 'friends' Sasha and Shea!" Nina put air quotations around the word friends. Eureka cut of the camera and started complaining about her feet hurting, in which Nina didn't respond to at all.

The television show cut to two women in a kitchen somewhere in downtown California. Both women had short, curled hair, one darker and the other blonde. They wore similar business like suits, once again different colors. The blonde woman wore a teal like shade of blue with long elbow high gloves. The other, in a stunning shade of yellow with black accents around the edges and hemming lines.

They talked about what food items that had been placed in front of them, explaining which was healthy, and what hadn't been the best food choices. Shea, the girl in yellow, picked up a chocolate bar. "This isn't the best for you," She said, her eyes looking directly at the camera. "But it's okay for every once in a while." She set down the bar and smiled at the camera. Sasha, the one in teal turned to face Shea, but the two were not yet looking at each other. "I love eating chocolate." She said, Shea still not breaking eye contact with the camera. A few seconds after Sasha's statement, Shea turned to face her. In her hand, Sasha held a large piece of broccoli.

"Now, this is a healthy choice." She grabbed the broccoli in her hand, allowing Sasha to release it. The the two began to take bites from either side. The cameras then cut to two more women. One with short hair, both light and dark shades of brown in it, the other, slightly longer, reddish brown hair. The one with longer hair turned to face the other. They were answering weird celebrity questions. She asked something about Justin Bieber and ice cream, in which the other had wittily replied, "Neither, I'm intolerant Lactose." Nina still didn't understand if she was purposely saying things wrong, or if she actually meant to speak that way.

The camera later moved to another set of women, what a surprise, and they were both seated at a table, explaining prior, future, and past news around the state and country. Their names were Peppermint and Trinity. After finally receiving word from Peppermint that it was her turn, Nina sat back down in front of the camera, Eureka finally getting up off the floor.

"Hello, and we are back bit-" Eureka started shouting from behind the camera, but was interrupted by Nina. "Girl, do we have a story for you!" she said. "I am here in NYC with the biggest occurrence of unfortunate events. Just take a look at the weather." Nina motioned for Eureka to film the dark skies above the crew.  "Now, hopefully, we can find some inhabitants of this little town to interview, so welcome to a walk in the area with Nina Bo'nina Brown." Nina waved her arm, forcing Eureka, Alexis, and the others to follow behind her.

The girls walked along the area, running into a cafe with a lit sign saying, "Max's Cafe" It must have been open, seeing as the light was on, so the camera crew walked in. "Hello, darlings!" A young girl with gray-ish blonde hair greeted the crew. "Hello." Nina said to her, taking a seat at the nearest table, waiting for the crew to file in.

"What can I get for you?" She asked, pulling out a small notepad. "Uh, just some tea for all of us, my treat. Now, could you answer some questions?" Nina spoke faster than Jojo Siwa. Max, the waitress, looked somewhat taken aback, as if she was processing all of the information. "Yes, of course, dear! Let me just get your drinks." Max walked to the back room, leaving silence around the cafe.

Max returned, carrying a tray full of tea, and Nona asked the first question.

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