Hot couture, of the rack

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Manilla's POV:
I walked down the road with my shopping bags that were full to the brim with clothing from Jinkx's boutique. My dark hair blew in the wind, as I approached a burnt down building. It sparked my interest, so I stepped closer. And closer. And closer, until I stood in the ashy leftovers of the home. "What are you doing, dear?" Someone from behind me had asked. I turned around and saw a tall woman with a bee hive of blonde hair towering above her head. I recognized her, but from where. "Oh, uh, nothing?" I tried to sound menacing at first, but, yeah. I gave up when I knew I couldn't. She raised an almost nonexistent blonde eyebrow, and walked forward with her long pink dress almost getting stuck to sharp edges of burnt wood. I just watched as she rummaged through the ruble of what had been left in the fire. She picked up a stack of paper, that had somehow been preserved in the house fire that seemed to have left nothing. I saw a light smirk cross the woman's face. "Hey, kitty girl." She mumbled to the papers. Then it hit me. What was Rupaul doing here?

I stumbled backwards on a sharp piece of black wood. I picked it up, it had been such an unusual shape compared to the other burnt pieces. I turned it around and saw a glass panel across the wood with a large crack extending from the top right to the bottom left corner, sending small cracks down the other sides, like a tributary. The broken glass was covered in dust and cinders, so i pulled the sleeve of my sweater over my hand and wiped it off. A photo the size of the frame was in the glass, burnt edges on each side. It was a picture of Detox and Alaska, before going to Roxxxy's first ever fashion show. Roxxxy was off in LA by now, no one has seen her in ages. This photo had to be pretty old, Detox doesn't even have her highlighter hair in it. It's hard to believe that her hair looks more like a highlighter than the highlight on her face, but everyone who has seen her knows it's true. Wow, that sounded like a line taken directly out of that Rudolf Christmas song. I turned around, laughing silently to myself and saw that Ru was gone. Strange. I looked back down at the photo, and grabbed a diamond hair comb from one of my shopping bags, hitting it against the glass. I removed the photo and placed both it, and my comb in my black purse. This may come in handy.

I walked quickly across the sunflower field. This was basically the only place in the town that had plants growing. I looked around, making sure no one was near, then i grabbed the flower that was unlike the others. A black rose. I pulled it out of the dirt, and a stair way appeared where it had been. I would plant it back in the dirt when I got out, then the hall down under the ground would close once more. When I had gotten far enough under, also known as the place I was staying at, I tossed the rose on the ground, then sat across from it. I watched closely as the rose turned into my good friend Raven. "Any news?" She asked me, sitting down the way I had been. "I found this," I reached into my bag and slid the photo over to her. She inspected it, then got up and placed a hand on the metal door that stood behind me. "I think we better have Raja check it out." She said, then walked into the room, me following behind her.

"So this was at the scene of the fire?" Raja asked me, and I nodded in response. She hummed and Raven stood against the wall, going through notes. We were in a spy organization, Sharon had been in with us before, along with another female detective, Latrice Royale. Sharon had left to be with Alaska, but still kept up on work for us. She didn't know we were here, however. Latrice was in LA, we, just like Roxxy, haven't seen her in ages. We expected the worst. I heard a ring, coming from some sort of device. Raven's phone. She wasn't picking up, so I did. The caller ID was from LA. "Hello?" A voice asked. I was happy, I thought it would be Latrice, but no. It sounded nothing like her. "Hi, who is this, and how may I help?" I responded to the message. "My name is Roxxxy Andrews, and I'm going to make this clear," She explained. "My friends left me at the bus stop three years ago. I've since then been lost in LA. Please send help, I know you're in a spy organization. I'm sending my coordinates." Then she hung up.

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