You love me after all

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Aquaria's POV:

"Hey Mom!" I shouted running down the stairs. "What?" Sharon asked me annoyed. "Got any movies? I'm bored." I asked her and she pointed to a shelf under the TV in the living room. "Thanks!" I exclaimed, running over to it. The only movies she had were horror movies, so I grabbed a random one and took it upstairs. It was a movie called 'The Conjuring' which I had never watched before. I knocked on the open door to let Miz know I was there. She looked up from her phone and moved over on the bed to make space for me. I smiled and placed the disc into the DVD player. The beginning credits started to play, and I flicked off the lights, then sat down on the bed. The movie had barely started and Miz was already grabbing onto my arm and not letting go. I held her close and stared at the TV screen, I was really interested in this and needed to know what happened next. Miz started whimpering as the characters on the screen screamed in fear, so I started playing with her long hair, to let her know I was there for her. People started running on the screen and loud noises were being created by paranormal activity. Cracker curled up into my chest, and I just hugged her tighter. I got up to turn on the lights, to see if that would help, but she just pulled the bed covers over her eyes. I silently laughed turning off the TV. "So let's not watch movies at my place now." I told her as she nodded, peeling the blanket off her eyes. I smiled at her and held out a hand to help her up. She took it and we walked down the stairs, to she my mom and Alaska talking to each other. "I heard you too up there, what was going on?" My mom asked us and Miz rubbed the back of her neck. "She got scared." I said shrugging with a smile. "Reminds me of someone," Alaska commented.

Sharon POV (Flash Back) :

I had invited Alaska over to my house to watch a movie with her. I had popcorn set out, since I knew she enjoyed it and I chose one of my favorite films- Scream. Alaska had just arrived and we were sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and the lights out. Alaska seemed to be terrified of the movie, but I was stupid and kept it playing. Alaska's parents had allowed her to stay over for a sleepover and my mom was on a business trip. When the movie was over, we got set up for bed. I was half asleep when I felt tapping on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Alaska standing in front of me. "I-I can't sleep." She admitted, rubbing her left arm with her right hand. I smiled and rolled my eyes, scooting over in my bed allowing her to crawl in.

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