Daggers in Hearts

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Max's POV:

I ran, I ran, and ran, and ran until I could barely breath. I couldn't believe it. Something had gotten into Sharon, no. Someone had gotten into Sharon, and it wasn't good.

I was 'captured' by my creepy friend, but it hasn't actually been her. I know she's in the forest looking for me, but I don't see her. I should be scared, she was carrying an axe, but I'm not. I don't know why. I guess its just the wall of illusion blocking me from life, I mean, would you believe someone super close to you would murder you? Even if they aren't themselves?

I walked carefully, trying not to make a noise with the dead leaves and twigs lying in the dirt. I paused when I heard the crack a twig. My eyes widened at the sight. I saw Fame backed up against a rock by Sharon.

Could I even call her Sharon at this point? I knew it wasn't her. Or maybe it was? But if it was, why would she do this?

I slowly tried to creep over to the scene, wanting to make sure Fame was okay. Sharon had a weird glare in her pure white eyes from what I could see. The sun had not shone, and the moon hadn't been present. There was no light source for her eyes to be as glossy and shiny as they appeared. Her body had a limp look to it, as if she wasn't controlling it's parts. She leaned a bit forwards, Fame flinching at the sudden movement. Her axe stumbled backwards, startling me, which forced me to fall onto the ground.

Sharon jolted her head back in quick response to my tumble, and slowly moved closer to me. Her eyes, still pure white, but a small gray outline still there. The outline was obviously where her iris would be, and it twitched quickly from side to side as she moved closer in my direction. I scooted backwards in the dirt, spotting Fame's fearful expression from far back. Sharon came closer, and closer, her eyes still twitching and a large smirk forming on her face.

She was so close our noses nearly made contact when she opened her mouth to speak.

"Games are much more fun when you are a human."

Her words floated across my mind, echoing in the wind, a thin wall of silence blocking my body from her's.... since when was she not human.... unless...

It was not Sharon, I was right.

But what had happened was beyond me, beyond anyone, really. "Beyond this universe?" Sharon asked, smirking as if she could read my thought. My breath hitched in my throat. This was getting so scary, I don't know what to do with anything anymore. I looked behind Sharon to see the large rock Fame was pinned to, but she wasn't there.

Did she leave me?

I heard the loud, constant sound in my head telling me she had, but I thought she loved me?

At least, I loved her.

More pain hit me in the heart then anything in my life, I breathed in slowly, Sharon's face now backed away from mine. She was still silent, but still equally as creepy as she had been when that low, scratchy, unusual voice bled from her lips.

My mouth trembled with the deadly silence filling the air. I couldn't believe it. She would actually leave me to die, that quickly.

My heart ached, my hands felt numb. This was heartbreak. I would know the familiar feeling, however, this time it hurt more then it ever did before.

with a loud crack, and a painful scream, my vision blurred as blood began to pool around me.

Sharon tumbled back after being hit in the head with the handle of an axe, blood spilling from her mouth. I looked up, and holding the axe was Fame.

Her expression changed as she opened her eyes, and just as I was going to thank her, she fell to the ground, her hands covering her face.

I heard her sobbing as tears fell and mixed in with Sharon's blood.

"What have I done?" She whispered over her loud tears.

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