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Adore's POV:

Bianca and I were drug into a mini van by Michelle and Ru. It's not a surprise, but the unexpected part I should have been expecting was that it was the van that had run into Bianca in my 'dream'. It was still in perfect condition, not a scratch. Just like in my dream.

Bianca, her eyes still wide, looked at me, nervously. Now I was in the position Dela must have been in. At least I had company. I probably wouldn't for much longer.

I bit attempted to bite my lip, but I remembered there was a hot pink strip of duct tape directly on my mouth. I turned to Bianca, who was struggling against the knots in the rope that held her limbs together. I scooted as close as I could to her, letting her know that I was okay, hopefully that calmed her in the slightest.

The road had a large hole, karst topography if you will. It caused the entire vehicle to bounce, Bianca and I sent tumbling back against the doors placed on the ending wall. It was then that I noticed we were not locked out, nor were we locked in. We were in the back of an unlocked van. But how do I open it with my body all tied together?

I couldn't reach it, I was stuck on the ground with these ropes, and I figure Bianca wouldn't be much help. She's short. I moved as close as I could, but then i got an idea. I slowly scooted over to Bianca, we had been separated by the bump. She gave me a questioning look, but I just plopped down on her for extra height. I reached my tied arms up to the door handle. I fumbled with it for a while, Bianca trying to push me off of her.

I opened the doors, and a fast moving, dirty, old, seasoned road shot across my vision. I turned to Bianca when I removed myself from her lap. She looked at me questionably, before scooting closer to the open doors. The wind's gusts hit our faces, blowing our hair wildly around the cramped space. I counted in my head, linking arms with Bianca. Our only way of escape is to jump out of a mini van that was going far above the speed limit.


I took in a large breath of air through my nose.


I turned to face Bianca. We both nodded.


A/N: Rip short chapters because I want cliff hangers sorry

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUWhere stories live. Discover now