The T

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Alaska's POV:

"My names Alaska-"
"Who was the creepy lady who left?" I sighed before explaining to Trixie it was nothing to worry about, even though I did. I had to explain to them that 'Yours' was an undercover name, and Katya had to help Trixie figure most of that out. "Drinks?" Max asked grabbing a pitcher. We all said the same 'yeses' in unison so Max began to make a drink. "Do you guys like Black tea?" She asked the room. "I like Black Tea," I told her before looking down at Sharon's notebook that Pearl had found. "I like Black D!!!" Pearl shouted and died of laughter. Violet gave an look not approving of Pearl's joke, however I saw her holding in a laugh. Katya and Trixie were sprawled out on the floor crying and Fame was glaring at Pearl from across the room. "I don't get it." Max said to the room and Fame grabbed holy water from her purse. She grabbed a spray bottle from the supply closet and poured the water in. "Why do you have that casually chilling in your purse?" Trixie asked Fame and Katya beat her to an answer. "She must have herpes, Brenda." She retorted giggling. "I do not, however Pearl needs to go crawl in a tub with this." Fame said handing Pearl the bottle. "Violet go help her." She said waving her hand in the general direction if the bathroom. "Now you need it." Violet said rolling her eyes. "Hey at least she didn't touch Tina!" Katya screeched. I knew the shade was directed towards me, and I swear Katya had like 5 cigarettes in the past 20 minutes. "I never touched Tina, and that's the T." A said taking a sip of the tea Max had just handed me. Katya made an upset face and said "maybe you were drunk when you did? Because I heard from Phi Phi-" "I know on what's the Tee? I said I don't drink." What's the Tee was a news show I had been on awhile back. "Besides," I said to Katya "when was Phi Phi a reliable source? I've got hundreds of problems, drinking ain't one." I took a sip of the Tea Max had made for me again and turned my direction to Sharon's book. Katya huffed and began to braid Trixie's long hair. Violet and Pearl had been mingling in the back of the room in the corner seat by the window, and Fame was talking to Max in the kitchen. "I keep it cute and I act my age." I said to Katya. "I'll be back in a bit" I announced pulling open the doors and walking outside. I walked down the street with my head in the book. Maybe if I told the book to turn the page I wouldn't have to. I gave it a name for my attempt at witch craft, Metallica. Spells rhyme so like I had to think of one. "It's a new dawn, a new age, Metallica, turn the page." I said and to my dismay, I would never be able to do magic, because that obviously didn't work. "Turn the page! Turn the page!" I yelled at the book resulting in guess what- nothing. I decided I would have to just turn the page myself, so I did. I looked around these streets if rage, it was almost completely abandoned here. I walked into a building with a purple flashing sign reading "Tea with Tati". It was a place with a psychologist named Tatianna, and eventually she hired a psychic named Coco who also worked there now. I sat down at a table with Tatianna, and she asked about my past relationships. "Now lets talk about your ex's " she said. "I cheated on Sharon with Phi Phi." I sighed. "In Texas. No wait- it was actually Florida." I told her setting down the pen I had grabbed from her desk to fidget with. "Were you good together or better apart?" She asked me. "I honestly don't know. I still love her." I replied putting my head in my palm. "She must have learned a lot from that broken heart." I told Tati sadly. She nodded and began to write something down. "Have all your break ups turned out well?" She asked me. I nodded knowing almost every breakup was my fault. "If you have Reddit you probably already know...uh..." I was talking to her trying to explain how I ended up seeing Phi Phi, but I just didn't want to. She nodded. "One time my psycho ex got heavy handed," I told her. I don't know what exactly happened next, but I stood up and yelled. "I've had it officially!" I shouted going into a room with that happened to have an older woman who I assumed was Coco. She looked up at me but didn't say a word. She asked me if I was upset. "I'm not mad, I'm not pressed." I assured her, and for some reason sat in the chair opposite her's. "Are you sure?" She kept her face up pointed at mine. "Yes, some people, they just think their a fan, but they're only a mess." I told her setting my hands on the table. "Are there any people you actually like?" Coco said kind of bitterly. "Yeah, like Sharon. If lay myself on the train tracks for her, Call me Delano, 'cause I adore her." I looked at coco and sighed dramatically, resulting in her rolling her eyes. "The AAA girls went bankrupt morally." I spoke to Coco about my friends, William and Courtney. "Willam met some new models last time I was here. Probably on her way to replace us quick." I told her. "Oh yeah, that reminds me about a thing" I said to her. "What? You've got a secret you've been hiding?" She asked. "I can't blame Adore," I told her referring to Bianca's death. "That must have been really hard that day. And if it had been me in her position, who knows? I might have broke down crying and do the same thing." I shrugged. "I'm just lucky I guess, I'm blessed, but still stressed," I explained to Coco. "I just wanna be the best." I said and began to draw circles with my finger on the wooden desk. "A hundred dollars ain't that much." I added. "A hundred dollars?" Coco asked me raising an eyebrow. Oh no- I had said to much, I had stolen a hundred bucks from her about back. I ran out of the building. "I'm sorry Coco, I'm sorry Tatianna," I said to the empty outdoors. "I'm sorry mom, I wanna smoke some marijuana." I said as tears fell from my eyes. And the voice in my head keeps telling me, "Move on, cause its all just a game." I sat on the concrete and tears lured down my already butchered face. "And it is what it is at the end of the day."

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