Why Try

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3rd person POV:

Bianca and Adore stood in silence, gaping at the sight they had just discovered. In the golden room, dead bodies of their friends and enemies flew out the closet door. "Hello, hello, hello." Ru exclaimed from behind the two girls. Adore turned around, Bianca looking over to the door as well. Th smirked, and grabbed Adore, who struggled to escape. Bianca tried to help her free, but from behind her, Michelle drew closer, and grabbed the girl, placing a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

They pulled the two girls to a room that neither had ever seen, and locked the door. Bianca and Adore, now trapped together, in an unknown, locked room, while their friends died one by one, daily.

The girls suspected something, well, the ones in the werkroom, Bianca and Adore hadn't been eliminated, so why were they gone? Courtney and Dela spent their free time searching for their friends, day by day by day. They still hasn't found them by the time that the last three in the building that could be alive were Courtney, Dela and Darienne.

Dela was sent home, well, Dela had almost been killed, and luckily, Courtney had still been looking for her friends and stopped the murder. Dela was safe, save until she returned.

Michelle walked into the runway, Bianca and Adore in her grasps. Darienne had a surprised expression, one as if she knew what had been happening to eliminated girls. One as if she expected the two to be dead. Courtney was overjoyed, but once more, Ru ruined the moment.

Darienne was sent away, and could possibly be dead at this point. Bianca, Courtney, and Adore had survived. "The winner," Ru began. Bianca's name had been announced, and with a nervous expression, walked forwards, dripping the hands if her friends. "Condragulations, my dear," Ru spoke, with a smile, but not a happy one. A mischievous one. "Now, you have won the choice on who lives." Bianca gave Ru a questioning glare, before turning to face her friends, who were now trapped in large metal cages, which hung by a single chain, above a large pool if acid (betty). Courtney had her arms wrapped against the metal poles, screaming for her life. Adore was seated in the corner of the cage, a surprised, and scared expression plastered onto her face.

"If you don't choose, both die." Ru spoke again, the cages shook with the press of a button that had been placed on a remote in Ru's left hand. "I-" Bianca looked from Adore to Courtney. The choice should have been obvious. She loved Adore, but Courtney had been her friend for so long. "5," Ru placed a finger on the remote. "4," Her finger slipped onto the large red button. "3," Bianca frantically looked around the room for something to help her. "2," Bianca looked at the faces of her friends, before nodding, signaling that she had made her answer. "1." Bianca turned to Ru. "Your choice is?" She asked. Why couldn't Laganja be in that cage! Then it would have been so much more easier for her. "I choose..." She knew her choice. She turned to her friend and lover, smiling. The two looked at each other confused. Bianca barely ever smiled, and in this situation? "Myself." Ru looked taken aback, but released the two girls, and a gunshot sounded.

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ