Lip Sync For Your Life

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RuPaul's POV:

I paraded down the hall, showing of my new gown. I ran my hands down the pink walls of what used to be my beauty school. I invited 14 queens here today. Well, I summoned monsters and demons to keep them busy until I needed them. I'm going to bring my first 7 here today. The list contained the following girls: Adore Delano, BenDelaCreme, Laganja Estranja, Gia Gunn, Kelly Mantle, Trinity K. Bonet, and Vivacious. They didn't know they were coming here, neither did they know the rest of the girls from their year at my makeup school would be there. I split them up so it would be slower. I wasn't going to let anyone find out my intentions that quickly.

I waited for each girl to arrive in the Werkroom. I was in my security room, watching from a large TV that was placed in the room. Adore Delano walked into the room, holding a brownish coat, probably due to the cold winds outside. She slowly walked around, then sat down in a seat by the mirrors. The other girls began to quickly file in. Perfect. I looked around the room through my security camera. One girl was missing, and I knew who it was. She worked for me before completely becoming nuisance, and getting herself fired. "COME ON SEASON 6!" She obnoxiously shouted. The girls in the room were in my 6th season of beauty school. "LET'S GET SICKENING!" She went tumbling into the tile floor into a death drop. Alright then.

The first challenge I was giving the for a was a block pit photo shoot. Hopefully, one would suffocate, then I wouldn't have to do the dirty work to the loser, whoever that may be. The winner, somehow, was Laganja. She, undoubtedly, had the best photos. Sadly, no one had died, so I had to have a lip sync. The bottoms would lip sync for their lives.

"Kelly Mantle," I looked at the failure in front of me. "You may now, Sashay Away." Kelly nodded, sadly. She hadn't been expecting what was next. If I was caught trying to kill her, I would just bring her back, for an All Stars group. Also going to be called A.S, which secretly stands for Any Survivors. I walked to the werkroom where Kelly should be writing her message. I pulled out a black lipstick tube. In the tube, a small knife replaced where in a real tube, the lipstick would be. I slowly walked up behind her, and stabbed the knife into her back. It's a good thing I owned red dresses.

I returned to the judges table and talked to the ones who were alive. So Carson wasn't here anymore. Sucks for him. Tomorrow night I would have the next 7 girls come to the building. Then they would have an elimination. Then so on. This is what they got for stealing my fame. This is what they deserved.

3rd Person POV:

The girls all mourned the loss of their friend, Kelly Mantle. They didn't know she was dead, but they knew she had been eliminated, not one ever thought the elimination was from life. Never would any have thought so. They didn't even seem to notice that the red lipstick stains on the mirror hadn't been lipstick. It was blood from the last girls Ru had over. Neither seemed to notice that Kelly's body was hidden in a room they had been in, either. The golden room. Th was going to hide each body there until someone noticed, and I'd they did notice, then they would be the next to leave the competition.

Ru laughed to herself as she slammed the door to the golden room shut. She put the body in a some what hidden closet. No one would think to look there, and she had security for if they tried. The next lucky queens included close friends of those who had appeared today. Th didn't expect 15 queens to arrive. That's why Ornacia didn't make a cameo in any other challenge. And soon Vivacious wouldn't either. It's sad, but it's true. Ru found the mannequin head in the werkroom when the girls were sleeping upstairs. She grabbed the head, and drug her lip stick knife across it. Ornacia and Kelly Mantle had left, who knew it would be a double elimination. 13 queens remain, and 1 will go soon. Magnolia Crawford didn't know her life would be cut short. No one did. That's why they came. If they knew only 3 girls were going to survive, none would have showed up. Th licked the door to the werkroom and walked up the pink stairs, moving past the rooms the girls were staying in. Ru had gotten some nice accessories from Kelly. She was so kind to leave them behind. The 7 vacant rooms were going to fill up soon, and after, Ru would 'invite' some girls for A.S. May the best woman win.

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