30 ways to die

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3rd Person POV:

It is miserable to think about how these girls are going through such terror in the short experiences of life.

It sucks to describe the darkness the girls have been seeking, seeing, and hiding in. Nothing makes sense around here, but that's okay, because it's not supposed to.

Life is not a choice, you are given it. You don't ask to have it, but somehow you do. And just as life is not nearly close to an option to obtain, death can be the opposite. In almost all causes.

You can't live without eventually dying, but most people have a date that is set out too early. Once again, you don't choose when you die unless you cause commotion in the event of killing your self. But alas, even then will you not be suspecting of your future.

Time is not endless, endless is not time. They are opposites, so better luck the next time you try. Life may be a void of death that leads you to dramatic things, but death includes not one mention of life unless it is the fact that you left it behind.

Like any other word in the English dictionary, death is printed in bold ink, but the word life is as well, and simultaneously is followed by closer than you would ever think.

They are 8 letters apart, with your choice on what happens in those last couple of pages. Your nearing the page containing the letters 'LI' but you don't stop to think.

Watch your self. Watch your close friends. Watch your family, and keep an eye on the end.

30 ways to die can be different than you think. The 30 ways of death as mentioned here, are all ways the girls died, or could have. They all have to in the end.

Adore. She isn't going to die from someone or herself. Nor will natural causes be her reasoning. Adore will not make it, that's because her mind gets the best of her. She's just lucky it's not soon.

Bianca. The one person who seems as if they would survive most likely will not. She's almost died many, many times, yet when she actually does, no one believes it. How could they? They never think she's dead until they find the body.

Trixie. The beautiful great spirited ball of love. Why would any one want her dead? Why would she die? I think you may have to ask her killer, after all, she wasn't the one who chose to be dead, now was she?

Katya. That's still a mystery to those who linger.

Pearl. Those drugs were a great source of survival and love, weren't they.

Violet. It's a shame she hadn't been more observant. If she was, she probably would have seen it coming.

Willam. She isn't the brightest. Neither is that light at the end of the tunnel. There isn't one, and thus she couldn't escape.

Courtney. Wandering in to darkness didn't seem like a bad idea, but it was. Oh honey, it was the worst.

Laganja Estranja. You didn't think she would be returning, now did you? I guess technically she won't be when she searches for the secret. Alyssa's secret.

BenDelaCreme. Oh, how lovely it is to find your lover missing. How incredibly sweet is it to go missing after. How wonderful to be the one you, yourself, was running from. The whole entire time.

Shangela. Missing and dead are different. Sadly, for Shangela, that is most definitely not always the case.

Blair St. Clair, I do declare. I guess she wasn't expecting the killer. Or who it was.

Miz Cracker. Suicide and dying the way your name is may be different, because it is. How are crackers even deadly? Ask her grave stone.

Aquaria. This was not the age of Aquaria, and the age she died at was sad to be so young.

Alaska. She should have stayed away from that rose she found, but it's too late to warn her by the time she nears it.

Sharon. She was too close to discovering. At least she found Latrice.

Raven. It seems self explanatory, but is far from it. You may have to ask Raja.

Manilla. I think the Hot couture got too hot. A burnt body isn't that attractive.

Kameron. Weight lifting was her specialty, but she hadn't expected emotions to be this heavy.

Chad. You can't save everyone. She would know.

Ginger. Its not sad, its true. But what is sad is the fact that she keeps coming after Violet for Pearl. Hasn't she realized it will never end in her favor? Ever.

Alyssa Edwards. Popping your tongue isn't as painful as popping other body parts.

Max. Sweetness causes death. She was to nice. She trusted everyone. She shouldn't have.

Miss Fame. You don't have to make a sacrifice to be famous. Don't ever think that.

Roxxxy Andrews. I don't think Raja Raven and Manilla were able to solve this case. I don't think you should go on or near buses anymore either.

Darienne Lake. Being an elephant queen may have its perks, but being a glutton never will.

Eureka O'hara. When did she get here? The better question is why is she only in the story to die. She was in it all along.

Gia Gunn. Don't ask what things are if you don't want to know. Especially dangerous ones.

Latrice Royale.
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No one here has died yet, but when an event like those above pops up, don't be surprised. Life isn't for eternity, and death is forever.

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