Cue Dramatic Instrumental

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3rd Person POV:

Moments before Bianca fell to the floor bleeding from the small incision i her neck, Ru and Michelle had left the room, locking down the entire building. No one could get out- No one could get in. Adore rushed to Bianca's side, but there was no hope anymore. This time she couldn't be saved. Courtney and Willam had been in the bathroom when the building was set on lock down, they didn't witness the tragedy. Adore tried everything she could to stop the bleeding, but the light was draining from Bianca's eyes, and the happiness from Adore's. Adore ripped the piece of duct tape from Bianca's mouth off and hugged her. "I never told you-" She started crying. She knew Bianca hadn't died yet. Her shallow breathing still continued. "How much I loved you." She let tears fall onto Bianca's clothes while Max and fame cried to each other hugging. Violet and Pearl where standing holding hands, and Trixie was full on balling in Katya's arms. Adore let out a pitchy note, beginning to sing a song. "Seen you at the villa," She sang quietly looking at Bianca's dying eyes as tears rolled down her face. "Acting like nothing's up," She continued to sing. "Absolute killers," She sang, referring to the woman who had just walked in trying to murder all the girls who appeared here at the funeral. "running on broken trust, seeing right through me, I'm looking through you too." She sadly smiled placing a hand on Bianca's chest. Trixie had completely ruined Katya's dress, it was covered in runny pink makeup and tears. "You really knew me. Now it's all done and through." Adore continued, more water falling from her eyes with every word. "You're loosing oxygen and I can't find the words," She ripped of part of her shirt's fabric like in an action movie and tried to stop Bianca's bleeding. "Silence is all we heard, you know our last goodbye keeps playing through my mind like, Ah-ah-ah" She sang, her voice getting better each line, but her eyes getting wetter. "Love was already dead, love was already dead, love was already dead, so save your breath. Love was already dead, love was already dead, love was already dead, so save your breath." She continued trying to stop the bleeding, Violet buried her head in Pearl's chest, trying to hide the tears falling from her eyes. "When you think about me, do you remember when you were all about me? Or am I just a myth?" Alaska Hugged the girls who she now considered her daughters, along side her future wife, Sharon Needles. "I loved you hardest, happy, just loving you and to be honest, sometimes I think I still do." Adore let out more tears then what could fit in a barrel- Bianca did the same but filled that barrel with a dark red substance called blood- and Adore couldn't stop it from over flowing. "You're loosing oxygen and I can't find the words," She cried. "The air is getting thin, silence is all we heard. You know our last good bye keeps playing through my mind," She wiped a tear. "Like A-ah-ah" "Love was already dead, love was already dead, love was already dead, so save your breath. Love was already dead, love was already dead, love was already dead, so save your breath." She looked down at Bianca and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "ooh, I'm coming up for air, ooh, I'm coming up for air." She sang touching Bianca's heart to feel it's final goodbye. "love was already dead, love was already dead, love was already dead, so save your breath. love was already dead, love was already dead, love was already dead, so save your breath, so save your breath, so save your breath. Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh, so save your breath. Woah-oh-oh, n-now, so save your breath. love was already dead, love was already dead, love was already dead, so save your breath." Adore sang to the audience at her recent performance. She smiled thinking about the crazy dream she had had prompting her to write that song. She walked off the stage with a wave and saw Alaska back stage. "G'day!" she greeted her the way Courtney would have in her dream. Don't think this is the end beacuse honey what you see, it isn't always the truth.

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