Pleasantly Pleading

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Katya's POV:

It has been a couple days now, and I still have this reoccurring dream about one of my friends dying. It scared me for sure, I mean, one of my friends being brutally murdered?  However, I was lucky enough that it was a dream, and not reality. For me, it went like this:

I walked towards my home, leaves crunching, twigs snapping, wins howling and calling for help trying to escape the world we were in. I placed a hand on a dandelion that grew alone near the road. I ran my fingers through the petals, and decided to pick it.

Just like any cliche Disney movie or something related, as I walked home, I pulled one petal out. "She loves me," I dropped it. "She loves my not." I let the next petal tumble in the dead air and hit the ground, creating a nonexistent silent thud.

I continued this until I got home and had three petals left. "She loves me..." I said while pulling off the final petal.


I was upset, however it was just a small flower, it couldn't say anything about my life that I didn't already know. A flower can't tell the future. It can only see what I see. And not even through my eyes, but the ones it didn't have. I placed- threw the weed onto a stone that sat on my porch.

I Tried to pull open the door, but it was locked. I tried again. I hadn't locked the door, I didn't have my keys, so there is now way I could have. Maybe Trixie locked it from the inside? I slowly began to knock on the wooden door. No response.

I started to knock louder, still not receiving the slightest answer or response. I started to yell. "Trixie! Trixie, let me in!" She still didn't come to the door. My extra key was given to her, so I had no others to let myself in with.

I slowly began to leave, maybe I could stay with aa friend for a bit? Pearl and Violet, Bianca and Adore. There were many choices, so hopefully one shoulder me stay with then for at least a night.

"Katya!" Someone had shouted my name from behind me. I whipped my head around, and my eyes met with Pearl's. "I'm so sorry," She said, getting closer. "For what?" I was confused. She said she was sorry for something, but I was living the best life in the entire world because I had Trixie. I was so lucky to have net her.

"Y-you didn't h-hear?" She asked, tears threatening to fall and her voice trembling at every word. A single tear escaped from her eye, and she reached up to rub them, which only allowed for a more hollow transport of the water. She began to sob, and me being the most amazing wonderful friend that I am, hugged her.

"What's wrong?" I asked, and she looked down at the dirt before wiping away more tears and more makeup with it. "T-the cafe," She breathed out, still crying like a manic. "Pearl, let's go there, okay?" I asked her, trying to make her feel better. I couldn't stand anyone close to me being upset.

I started to walk in the direction of Max's cafe, only to be stopped. I felt a cold hand pull my arm back. "Wait, I don't know if you want to." I looked at Pearl, and of course, she was still crying. This couldn't be good, but curiosity got the best of me.

And oh, did curiosity kill the cat.

Except, this time it killed the cat's best friend.

Pearl trekked behind me. We walked in silence to the cafe. Max had stationed her cafe fairly close to everyone's homes, so it was not going to be that far a walk.

Once we arrived, I put a hand on the door handle and was stopped by Pearl once more. "J-just be ready... I don't know how you will take this." She commented before letting go of my arm that she had grabbed. My arm fell to my side, and I pulled open the cafe door.

What I saw...

I never wanted to see again.

I never wanted to see it ever.

I never expected a sight so chilling.

My life was not on the line.

But someone's was missing.

And I knew who it was.

I loved and I loved

And I lost her.

Love doesn't last forever, and I didn't ask for more proof. I didn't want it to end so quickly! I didn't want to walk into a cafe to see a murder scene with an entire news crew surrounding the victim. I didn't want to see Max and Fame missing from their own business while someone was brutally murdered.

I didn't want to see the last piece if me die off and wither into nothing. I didn't want to miss her last words. I did. I never heard the last thing she said, and it killed me more than the killer that had touched her, because now, now I had to live with that feeling forever.

And most horribly at all, I didn't want to see the person dead on the floor. I didn't want to see her there. Who would ever want her dead?

On the floor, lying lifeless was the most beautiful person ever, the smartest, the most amazing singer,

"Trixie Mattel!" I shouted, trying to get her attention. "Whaaaaat!?!" She yelled, running up the stairs. "Do you have muffins? I'm craving some." "That's what you called me up for?" She pouted, but smiled that beautiful smile of her's. "Yes." I smiled back and she rolled her eyes.

"No, but I can pick some up at the cafe, weirdo." She kissed me, sadly, it had been shorter than I wanted and ran down the stairs. I sat in my bed looking at the ceiling.

I wonder who could have died in my dream?

I decided to take a walk, to clear my mind.

When I was heading home, I tripped and landed face first into some dead grass. Pulling myself up, I realized there was a small dandelion where I had face planted.

I didn't pick it up because I took my dream as a warning. Instead, I started to walk back home. I sighed in relief when I got back. Finally! Muffins!

I knocked on the door, and I didn't get a response, so I tried the handle, and once again, nothing. I heard crying, and turned around to see Pearl.

"Katya!" She yelled over her loud tears. "Yeah?" I asked, trying to figure out why she was crying so much. "T-there was a murder." no. NO. "NO!"  "Katya, it was..."

She let out a heavy breath before more tears fell from her eyes.

"Trixie. She's dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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