It's time to pull the plug

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Laganja's POV:

I had been wanting to stir the pot for awhile now, I just needed a spoon, and this time, no one was just going to hand me a free one. I remembered my good friend Jeffree Star had known Adore longer than the most of us, so I called him. Me being me, had a great plan that didn't work, so I had to make another one, which ended up pestering him into spilling the tea, mama. Trust me- I knew how to get annoying, girl. I popped my tongue as soon as Jeffree picked up the phone. "Hey." He said to me. "Hey, mama!" I shouted at my electronic device. I didn't mind if I broke it, I could barely use it anyways, and I wasn't going to cut my nails, not now not ever. "What do you want, I'm working on a palette design right now." He told me, and I was glad to hear annoyance in his voice. "I just want all the tea, mama, Okurrrrrrr." I told him. "Look I'm busy right now," He tried explaining. "If you give me a scoop on Adore, I'll leave you alone." I said smirking. "No, 'Ganja, what ever it is you want, Adore obviously wants it to be a secret." He told me. I groaned and decided to trick Jeffree into spilling dome tea. "Alright then, whats goin' on with your palette?" I asked. I was going to slowly trick him into telling me all the news, mama. "Well- I'm thinking of 18 colors." He replied. "Oh, 18." I had an idea. "Were you and Adore friends when you were 18?" I asked. "Yeah, we've been friends for awhile, but we first actually bonded when we were placed in 9th grade together." He explained. Perfect. "Oh, what got you two closer as friends?" I asked. "Well on October 13 we were having a sleepover hosted by my crush at the time and current boyfriend. His name is Nate." He explained. "Adore and I decided to play truth or dare with the group of friends that had been invited to the party," I hummed to let him know I had been listening. "Adore got dared to go to the house across the street and pretend to be a robber. The people who lived there were very... out there, I guess. Their last name was 'Siwa', which still to this day confuses me. It doesn't sound like a real surname, but then again, people always say 'Star' is fake to make me sound cooler." He continued with his story. "Adore had been sent to jail for almost a year, and wanted to start all over. That's why she never told anyone about it." That was all I needed. "Okurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Thanks, mama, bye!" I shouted hanging up. I called Adore and told her everything I knew. This was great. I was going to meet her at my place, in a bit- however long it took her to get here. I mean, I had liked Adore for years now, and Bianca stole that from me. I stole Bianca from Adore and that was only the first step. I guess you could call me a thief, but Bianca stole what was mine first. Adore was what I needed, at least, that's what I thought.

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