Cool, It's Cool, It's cool...

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Dariennes's POV:
So Sharing Noodles decided to try and uncover my plan, well not really mine, but you get the jist. Laganja, Gia, Coco and I had been all working for Ru for a bit now. Coco had faked her death so that no one would suspect her, Alyssa was starting to get suspicious. This girl who thought she knew Coco named Tatianna had recently tried to bring her back to life, but failed due to the fact that she hadn't been dead. She ended up bringing Bianca to life, and since she had been messing with life and death, a demon had gotten the chance to take over her body. There was something that had sparked my interest, and that is, how had Bianca not gotten possessed as well?

Katya's POV:
I got up off of the cold hard ground with a huge head ache and a pounding pain in my back. I looked around the large underground cave I had ended up in. I saw a flash of blonde hair and knew some one else had been there.

Trixie's POV:
I saw Katya and I ran towards her. She had gotten my message! I was calling Jeffree about possibly doing his make up, but a loud obnoxious girl picked up the phone and I had heard a crack at my window. She had lightish but not blonde hair, and wore designer heels, and clothes. She had a white Versace bag with her, and I had been scared to even question what had been chilling in that bag. I tackled katya to the ground and hugged her. We had to get out of here, and fast, somehow. "Hi?" Katya asked me. She must have not seen who I was while running at her like a missile. "Hey, Katya!" I chirped pulling her up, off the dirty ground. "Do I know you?" She asked me when I had fully lifted her up. My eyes started battering faster than hurricane Michael. "Katya, it's Trixie." I whispered holding her hand. My voice was barely audible, and was muffled my my tears. She rubbed my shoulder reassuringly even though I knew she didn't remember me. She must have hit her head somewhere down here. I wrapped my arms around her and began to sob louder. "Look,I may not remember you, but your beautiful," she complemented, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I rested my head on her hand and placed a sad smile on my face. "I hope I can remember you, I don't know how I could have forgotten such aas beautiful face." She said, her Russian accent had stuck with her, however, it still brought me to tears that she hadn't remembered me. "We should get out if here," I told her holding out a perfectly manicured hand for her to grab. She beamed at me and took my hand. We carefully walked across the rumble and rocks to get to a small clearing in the cave. Katya had pushed me up the hole to where I finally saw the sky again. I looked down and saw her place something in her pocket, before walking up to the small ledge, reaching up for my hand. I pulled her up and we had stood at the cave exit together. We started to walk back home, but half way there, Katya stopped walking. "I want to apologize." She told me, looking up from the ground. "For what?" I asked, walking to where she had been stood. She reached into her pocket and said, "for forgetting you. You were obviously an important part of my life, and I feel like I just tossed that out. I want to make it up to you." "When you get your memory back that will be how you make it up to me, okay?" I asked her smiling. She nodded and fully pulled out what had been stuffed in her pocket. "I saw this on the way out," she explained, holding a large blue gem. "It reminded me of your eyes." She handed it to me and smiled.

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUWhere stories live. Discover now