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3rd Person POV:

Adore sat in her room with the lights out. The light bulbs all died at once, in a weird way. There was a long flash, a short flash, a long one, and then another short. The light stayed dead for a few moments and then flickered again. Once short, and another short one being followed. Again, it went dead, and Bianca and Adore had thought they had been out of power. Then, it flashed shortly once more. This was no coincidence, because after the last short flash, the lights hadn't come back one. This had been Morse Code for 1 short word. Die. Adore sat at her vanity, brushing her long, dark hair silently. She dropped her hair tie, so she reached down to grab it. She picked it up, and her reflection had still been leaning down. Her reflection appeared back in the mirror and Adore had decided to test it. Maybe her eyes had played a trick on her. She picked up a teal container of liquid lipstick. Her reflection picked up a tube if dark red lip gloss, but it hadn't been lip gloss that had been in that tube. Adore nervously smiled, trying to tell her reflection that she hadn't been scared, even though she actually quite was. The reflection hadn't smiled back, instead it smirked. Adore hadn't moved her hands, but the reflection did. It reached towards her, pulling her into the glass of her mirror, leaving her punching and hitting the walls but never getting out, at least, not until someone found her. She just watched in misery as the reflection walked out of her room with that same red tube of lip gloss, except this time it had been empty. The reflection closed and looked Adore's room door, then the lights turned back on.

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora