Death Becomes Her

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Katya's POV:

Despite Trixie's best attempts to stop me from going to this funeral, I was going to. I had stepped out of my bed, silently walking down the stairs, planning not to get caught by Trixie. "Where are you going?" Her voice filled the room as I froze. "No where?" I told her unsure of my statement. She handed me a pile of clothes. "I thought you may need this," She explained walking over to the bathroom to apply her makeup. "What is it?" I asked looking at the stack of fabric. "I am your plus one to the funeral right?" She asked me. My eyes widened and I jumped up to hug her. "I love you so much!" I said enthusiastically. "I do too," She smiled at me. "Since the day your eyes met mine." And this time, instead of our eyes, our lips connected. "Go get dressed," Trixie said pulling away from me. "But that's too long." I complained hugging her. "Too long for what? You aren't as slow as a dresser as Max are you?" She giggled at her own joke, which only made my smile grow. "No, I can't leave you!" I said tightening our hug. "Well-" She said. "How will you ever get dressed now?"  She asked me, pulling on my shirt. "Are you gonna help?" I asked her. "Yeah, as long as you don't watch Contact when we get back." She giggled, and spoke up again. "I never meant to break your heart," She told me "I never meant to pull you apart, but I'd do it all over again, if it meant days like this one." She whispered to me. I walked up the stairs with the clothing she had handed my earlier. "Where are you going?" She asked. "To get dressed alone, because I'm not making any promises!" I shouted. "Oh soldier take your time," She mumbled.

Pearl's POV:

"Hey Vi! Get ready!" I shouted from downstairs. She took almost as long as Max- Almost. "I am Pearl!" She yelled back at me. "COME THROUGH!!!" She yelled afterwards. "WHAT?" I shouted at her. "MY EYELINER IS LIKE, PERFECT TODAY!" She yelled to me. "Isn't it always!" I shouted to her. "Awe! Thanks Pearl but no!" She yelled walking down the stairs. "Is that conceited?" She asked me gracefully walking down the steps of the marble stairs. "nah, sup." I told her noticing something was missing. "You forgetting something?" I asked her. "No?" She asked me. "Your shirt Sherlock, you aren't wearing a shirt." I rolled my eyes. Her face turned redder than Katya's lips, and ran up stairs. I shook my head laughing, that was the most Flazeda experience of my life, and when gay people start judging me, oh well big surprise, because I love Violet, and there is something on my face, adoration.

Alaska's POV:

Sharon and Aquaria had came home yesterday with Dela and a blondie I've never seen before. Apparently, she's Aquaria's dead girl friend, according to Sharon, which confused me more than a little. Aquaria came downstairs in a show stopping black gown that I was secretly jealous of, holding the hand of her girlfriend. I was being told to drive Dela and the love birds over there to the funeral. Sharon said she had to do something and she would meet us there. Despite the protesting from Dela saying that Bianca was in fact alive, I had a semi okay drive. "Do you think everyone is pretty?" Cracker shouted at Dela over my bursting music. "I think that people are people and we're doing the best we can, now be quiet." I said turning the volume up 2 notches to 50. Courtney and Willam had texted me a bit ago saying they were on their way- Yes I know it's illegal to text and drive, but there were no officers out so take the L. "Hey!" Aquaria shouted to me over the music. I looked at her from the car mirror and she said something that I couldn't hear. "What?" I asked turning down the music. "My mom said she loved you," she said to me. "I know she loved me," I said. "But it didn't last forever." "I think it did." She replied pulling Cracker into a side hug, Dela still pouting in the passenger's seat. "I think it did."

Max's POV:

Fame and I stood outside the building where the funeral was to be held. I had to wake up at 3:00 to be ready in time, and I'm now 20 minutes early. "I've never seen a dead body before." Fame had said something to replace the silence. "Is that good, Darling?" I asked looking into her eyes. "I don't know, lets talk about something to lighten the mood." She told me. "How about chickens!" She said loudly. "I hatched chickens in an incubator under my bed once. Liquid blue ink can make a white chicken sparkle! I love chickens! They are my favorite animal!" She said all in 1 second. I laughed at her and grabbed her hand. "positive energies, positive energies," I mumbled pulling Fame into the building where Adore was sat crying by the casket. "Your here early," She looked up rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, for once." Fame said laughing and pulling me into a side hug. Adore smiled. "Glad your happy." She said, heading to the bathroom to fix her makeup.

Willam's POV:

Courtney and I pulled into the building about 5 minutes before the funeral actually started. Courtney had been crying the whole way and making me stop so she could redo her mascara. "We could have been lateeeeeeeeeeee." I complained opening the door for her. "Yeah, but we aren't." She retorted stepping into the building. "G'day!" She said to everyone we walked past down the isle to get to a seat. We eventually found two empty ones and sat down next to each other as Adore walked on the stage, smiling sadly as a single tear ran down her face.

Adore's POV:

I stood on the stage as a single tear escaped from my eye. I began to speak, "My love, My life, My loss-" "WAIT!" Everyone turned to the large doors that had just been pushed open. And the figure who pushed them was none other than Sharon Needles, and for the first time, she was the only one wearing white. "ADORE! BIANCA ISN'T DEAD!" She shouted at me. "What do you mean, mama, shes been dead for over two weeks now." Laganja, who stood next to me said somewhat nervously. "Look in the casket!" She yelled walking down the long red carpet. I turned around so that I was facing the casket. I could practically feel Laganja's expression burning into my back, and it wasn't a happy one- it was as if she was scared of being caught. I placed my hands on the casket and pulled it up. It was empty. I let out a small gasp and the power went out.

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