I'm your oxygen, addicted to me

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Max's POV:

"Darling, I think we should close up," I told Fame as I stood at the door, grabbing my fur coat of the jacket rack. Don't worry, it's fake fur. Fame nodded, setting whatever papers she held in a brief case. I smiled and opened the door wide enough for the both of us to walk through. We walked to the car that Fame had driven us in and hopped in to head home. The ride was quite, quiet, you could say. There wasn't a reason, there was no tension at all. It was because we had passed the run down building that our friends used to consider home.

I walked into our house, placing my jacket above the brief case Fame set down on the lower shelf. She walked up stairs with the papers, and I knew why she didn't show them to me. Well- I think I did. They were probably for personal reasons, like a family member, and I wasn't going to mess around with something like that. I walked outside and sat on the driveway, feeling the cold breeze turn my hair in different directions. I looked down the left side of the street where what was left of Sharon's home stood. Smoke still remained in the air, it smelled like faint barbecue. I saw someone approaching the site, and it looked like Alaska. From what I saw, she looked devastated, and heart broken. Just like the home, her heart must have been burned to black ash too. I assume she lost someone in the fire. Things are never quite as scary if you don't make yourself think it is, because danger isn't lurking at every corner. It's hiding away, waiting for fear to approach. We stop checking for monsters in our homes and under the bed once we realize they aren't there. The monsters are inside of us, we choose to let them out. I sighed, and looked at a tree across the street, where a poster hung by a rusty nail. I stood up, looking both ways of the street, and walked over to it. "We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And, there will be more of your children dead tomorrow. -Ted Bundy" Anyone can be a killer. Even your closest friend. "Do you like horror movies?" I head a dark voice behind me. i turned to face the speaker. "Because you're in one."

Fame's POV:

I was delivered papers about the cafe this morning. I hadn't shown Max them at all. I wasn't going to. They were federal papers, saying that our cafe would have to shut down within two weeks, and everyone must evacuate. I wasn't going to crush her dreams. I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind. I think everyone knows how it feels, and it's worse to be afraid of someone else's, because that's something you can't control. That's why I wouldn't tell her, at least, not until we have to leave. I'm just protecting her, right? right. I hope.

After hiding the papers, I walked down the steps of the stairs, and onto the first floor. "Max?" I called out, noticing she wasn't there. No response. "Max?" I called once more, yet again, no response. I checked outside, but saw nothing. I heard something, however. It was Alaska shouting my name. "Over here!" She yelled, running to me. "What?" I asked her in a small voice, afraid of what was coming. I think she knows what happened to Max. "I walked home and saw the home burned down, and no one there. All I found was a dead look alike of me." She breathed out, her face's worried expression getting worse. "A dead look alike?" I asked her. She nodded, tears flowing down her face. "Someone pretended to be me and I think everyone believes I'm dead." She pulled me into a hug. I patted her back, awkwardly, but reassuringly. "Hey, I don't think they wanted people to think you're dead," I explained. "I think they wanted something from your home. What did you have of value?" "Sharon had years of work, different findings on paranormal activity, but I don't think they would want all that." She said. "Or maybe they didn't want it." I pulled away from the hug. "Maybe Sharon was getting too close, and maybe someone hadn't known this, and believed that that was you in the home." "You're right," She looked at me. "I think someone is trying to stop Sharon from finding out."

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