Wish me well to a wishing well, I think I'm gonna be dead

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Tatianna's POV:
I limped slowly to the estate of Sharon Needles, stopping anywhere I could to catch my breath. Street posts, stop signs, abandoned vehicles and homes, you name it. I fumbled with the loose hem of my tattered black skater skirt when I reached my destination. I knocked on the door and stood in silence watching the sway of the dead trees and smelling the rotted pumpkins outside the home. Sharon and or anyone who had been living in this home was taking awhile, no one has showed up at the door yet. I placed a hand on the brick wall, and just rested my lifeless legs. I breathed heavily and slowly waiting for the warmth of the building to flood my senses.

I started having trouble breathing, I couldn't feed my lungs with the oxygen they need, I was unsupportable of my own organs. My breath hitched in my throat and I could barely feel the cool air flowing throughout my body. The door opened and I crouched down in pain, clutching my chest. I slowly picked my head up, sucking in all the air I could from my mouth. Alaska stood in the door frame, a small gasp escaping her red lips. "Help..." I slowly told her, taking in heavy breaths as the cool breeze flung my hair around my dead looking face. "I think I'm gonna be dead." I stumbled forwards, clutching my chest as Alaska slowly helped me up, dragging me into her home by my limb arms.

Alaska's POV:
I helped Tati into my home, taking her to Sharon's office as her eyes slowly turned cold and her expression faded away. I earned some scared and confused looks from the girls who were walking down the stairs for a late snack, Cracker and Aquaria. I continued to take Tatianna to the office Sharon kept her work in and the wooden floor squeaked with every step. I found my way to the door and turned the nob.

Sharon's eyes went wide as I entered the room with a supposedly lifeless body. I drug her into the room and locked the door behind me. "What?" Sharon asked placing her pen on the desk, standing up. "She came to the door," I explained. "She thinks she's going to die," "I think so, too." Sharon said sadly, rustling through the papers on her desk. "I don't know what's going on," I told her. "But she looked horrible and had a arm around her waist when I opened the doors. She doesn't look that great, I think whatever possess her earlier may have left?" "It's possible, but only if the demon used her for something, most won't leave, willingly or not. They won't until they are forced out, and even then, few victims survive attacks and possessions like this." Sharon walked over and placed a hand on Tati, looking for a pulse. "She's still alive," she raised her face to look at mine. "But slowly dying. We have to find a way to save her, or she will be gone forever." I nodded, and Sharon got up to look through her large black book shelf. "I'll take this time to explain to the girls," I said to her. "I hope you can save her." I motioned to Tati before shutting the door behind my back.

It is what it is, it is what it is, it is what it is at the end if the day. But for me, oh no it was not. One day you can believe something, and within the first few minutes of the next day, everything you knew or thought could be wrong, and everything you once believed is forgotten. Everyone you ever loved could be lost. Lost in the black hole of death. Lost in their own mind. Lost in time, or even, yourself. You could have been the one who was list the entire time, in this town, that's more than possible. In this town, you could be dead and not even know it.

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum