Day 6, Bendelacreme on crack

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Cracker's POV:

       So, I had been in this small dark room with a girl who had dark hair and dark eyes, who went crazy when she was nervous. You could expect how annoying that would be, seeing as our personalities somewhat clash, and she is tied up with tape over her mouth, just like I was. It had been six days since that girl stumbled upon the room we had been hidden in, and that means there had also been six days since the woman with too much contour in unneeded areas came in here grabbing that one other girl. I managed to scoot over to a area in the cramped room that had a sharp edge on the wall from who knows what. I began to rub my arms on the pointed brick in the wall. The girl seated near me had been shaking in either fear, or she just wanted to get fit in the cell, which I'm assuming it was the fear option. I slid the rope that was around my hands up and down the sharp object, hoping to be set free. I had been trying to get out of these ropes since I was here, I needed to see Aquaria again, I loved her. I closed my eyes and thought of what I wanted- to be with Aquaria. I kept trying to free myself, One day I was going to see her again.  I managed to make a slit in the rope, so I tried to untie the rest with my arms still behind my back. I tugged and tugged, and eventually had most of it off. I somehow got untied eventually, and I rubbed my arms up and down each other, because rope burn hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. I ripped the hot pink tape off my mouth and placed it on the brick wall. I looked over at the girl who had been in here with me and she gave me a questioning look. "I found a some what knife right here on the wall," I told her pointing to where i was previously rubbing the ropes with and she nodded. "Don't worry," I assured her. "After I finish undoing the knots around my legs, I'll untie you." I whispered trying not to get caught. She once again nodded her head and I began to tackle the ropes around the lower half of my body. When I untied those, I sat the rope on the floor and crawled over to the other girl. I pulled off the tape on her mouth and set it on the wall near what used to be on mine. "Thank you!" She exclaimed happily. "Your going to get us caught! Now turn around to I can take off the rope on your arms." I commanded watching her try to scoot around. Shortly after that series of events, I had freed her. "Thank you so much! My name is Bendelacreme by the way! Dela for shorter, and Ben for even shorter." She whisper shouted happily. I stood up and held out my hand for Dela, which she took. "We have to find a way out." I mumbled to myself loud enough for her to hear. "Yeah, and find out what happened to Bianca and Adore," She told me. "Who are they?" I asked raising a blonde brow. "Adore is the girl who walked in here a while ago," She explained. "Bianca was the one who was also in this cell with us, but got taken out." "Oh." I said. She must have been close with the two girls. "I hope you find them," I said to her. "Yeah, I hope I do too, but I thought Bianca had been dead. Even the doctor told us so." She said back to me. "The doctor?" I asked her once again getting a quick response. "Yeah, she was in a car accident maybe over a week ago," "I'm sorry." I told her. "Don' be," She started to say. "She wasn't dead the first time, there is still hope she's alive." She continued. "Plus, I'm sure one of my other friends have caught on, and if not, when we get out I can tell them. Sharon is into paranormal stuff, so she might believe me, and I just feel bad for Adore," She spoke changing her tone from hopeful to be full of pity. "Adore actually loved her, but never got the chance to say so." "I know I can't control that, but again, I'm so sorry." I told her smiling. "Thanks," She said pulling me into a huge friendly hug that almost knocked me to the ground. "Woah, chill!" I laughed at her, "You don't want to be on crack, now do you?" I asked referring to my self, Cracker, as Crack. "Haha, I get it" She said to me before saying, "I probably am already starring in a video titled "BenDelaCreme on crack"." She exclaimed moving her hands along to the title of the video she assumed had been created. "Well, last week I literally turned into a psychopath when I had some shots at my friends house." I nodded remembering how I ended up here. I told Aquaria I would be going to get her something to drink, and got picked up off the side of the streets by a man with a black mask, who is not here now, I assume he is either dead, or picking up other people to trap in here for some amounts of time.

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