Finally, I do declare

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Blair's POV:
I tried to tell them, I did, but I was stuck. Trapped. Stopped. I struggled against the ropes that held me to the pole in the room, and there was a knock at the door. The lady with black hair walked towards it and pulled it open. To my dismay, the girls from earlier arrived, and I had no way of warning them, because this woman only showed up when I returned. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes while I attempted to break free. A girl with greenish yellow hair walked down the steps of my own home, yet I didn't know that she had been up there. The black haired lady pulled out a syringe and stuck it imo the other's neck with no hesitation. There was a clank, like metal being hit with something. I cried into the gag that was placed in my mouth, still trying to break free. The green haired woman said nothing, instead, she walked towards the kitchen with quite robotic movement. The girls who had introduced themselves as Aquaria and Miz Brianna Cracker moved slowly backwards, being pinned against the door. The black haired woman smiled, then walked away, as if nothing had ever happened.

Minutes later, the lady returned. She didn't have black hair anymore. It was like a disguise. She was somewhat demonic, and quite terrifying. Her ling, dark scraggly hair hung loosely around her body, framing the face that I never want  to see again. I was scared. I was terrified. I felt as if I was dying. A shocking pain flew throughout my body as the woman walked to Aquaria and Miz with a slight smirk growing on her run down face. She wore a long tattered witch like gown, it looked a lot like a Chiron dress, those from ancient mythology. Her skin didn't shine or glow as the gods would have. It burned. Her grey toned skin burned with every step. Small blue flames came from her body and her dark malicious eyes burned with it. The crackling fire noises appeared prominent, but not in her burning flesh. In her laugh you could hear the devastating screams of horror that came from small children and adults who had run out if time.

Aquaria and Miz were in the floor, both bleeding from the dagger the woman welded. The confusing part of the entire situation was that the blood the girls agreed hadn't been your average red color. Instead, it appeared silver. It sparkled in the light rays that came from the rising sun. The woman left the room to me staring at two wonderful woman who could have made a difference in the world. They were beautiful, but I couldn't exactly tell if they were dead. It always seems to amaze me, how quickly change occurs. Someone once told me life was just a stepping stone. A place to pause before its time to go and head home, until you reach eternity. I didn't understand it until I realized this girls could be dead, and it could be my fault. Everyone has a life journey, but we never meant to stay. My sobs became louder when I looked up out the window, seeing my mother head home. I thought that I knew me, but now I can see it so clear. I'm stronger than all that I fear. The sun is shining on me, it feels like I'm walking on air. Finally, I do declare. The door swung open, and my mom, her usual curly red licks of hair, screamed in horror at the sight of her home. "Jinkx Monsoon," The black haired woman exclaimed, loudly, walking away from the room she had been in, approaching the front door. "I've missed you." My mom looked at the figure in horror and whispered carefully and quietly to herself. "Water off a ducks back, water off a ducks back, water off a ducks back...." There is a fine line between life and death, and people don't seem to understand. However, there is more to fear than the monsters in which end up in the darkest places if your home. There are weapons far worse than those of the special tools these monsters carry. Those weapons are the fear that you carry with yourself. You are your worst enemy.

A/N: I made Jinkx Blair's mom because it's just adorable. Yeah.

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang