Jump The Gun

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Adore's POV:

Walking into the hospital that called me about Bianca's death early in the morning wasn't that... soothing? It was creepy. Like I was walking into sin instead, everything but a halo. I pushed the door and to my surprise no one was in the building. "Hello?" I called resulting in an echo that manipulated my words causing Hello to sound like Halo, repeating it three times. I waited at the front desk. A woman with black hair and a overly contoured breast area walked up to me and said the doctor would be coming shortly. "I like your style though." She told me as if it was forced to say something nice, so it obviously wasn't genuine. "Leather dress, nothing less." I told her sitting in a beat up and tattered seat by the entrance. I remembered the jokes our friends would make about Bianca being deemed a villain by her neighbors and how I didn't have that villain to take home anymore. She was the one person I actually loved to stare at. We had so many good memories- like the time I was drunk and Dela made her take car of me. She wouldn't stop calling me 'such a tease'. I even remember asking her if she wanted to dance with the devil. I guess those times are gone, faded. We jumped the gun. We had the boom boom bang, and that's gone too. The place was so echo-y that I swear I heard my thoughts bouncing off the walls over and over again. "Hit the lights." I heard from behind me. It was a man- somehow he looked slightly shorter than how Bianca did. Scratch that he was about her height. "Hypnotize," the woman from earlier had tried to whisper to a tall girl with big blonde hair. Hypnotize? The room began to get really hot. "Feel the heat?" The man had asked the two ladies. I don't think they knew I was hearing every bit. "We're on fire," the shorter woman said smirking. What was going on? They stopped to speak to me about the Bianca situation. Not much of it made sense, but they must have thought I had left, because they never came back. I saw a door a darker color than the others and it perked my interest. I was about to walk and open it up, but I heard footsteps, so I jumped and hid behind a chair. I couldn't see, but something- no someone had been being taken out if that room I was about to open. After noises had stopped I picked myself up and walked to the door. I slowly opened fit to reveal Dela and  a young beautiful blonde girl who I had never seen before. I couldn't believe it. A voice in my head kept telling me "Don't believe what you see," but u didn't know if it was a good or bad voice. "YOUR TRUTH IS A LIAR!" J assumed it was my head again but turned around and saw the man from earlier. I now saw that he had a name tag saying 'Ross' and his eyes where like crystals- I barely saw them. Hypnotize. The woman must have hypnotized this Ross guy!   Or one if them, at least. "Evil minds," I tried saying to myself but it came out loud. "Got it right." The man said before closing the dark door. "Scratch it up if you want to." He told me. "Scratch what?" I asked him actually curious of the subject. "The truth." He stated simply. "Oh." I said, my words once again echoing off the walls for eternity.

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