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Adore's POV:

I held my head in pain as the girl had spoke to me. I could feel myself tumbling to the ground, and I also felt when I had fallen. I heard everything though, and what got my attention was when I heard the words, "Don't mess with Lamashtu," And then I heard foot steps, before nothing at all.


Bianca had been shaking me awake, and I informed her on what I saw and heard when I gained consciousness. We walked along side each other to the public library, that hadn't been open in 3 years. Bianca peeled the rusted oak doors  apart, with a loud screeching noise, and a cob web extending from the bottom corner to the top of the door frame. I ducked under the web and walked in, heading to a table. I dusted the wooden table set with my flannel, and placed it on the chair before sitting. I was looking through my phone for any information on "Lamashtu" but I found nothing. I heard a loud noise, and whipped my head over to the book shelf Bianca was at. "Found something," She said, holding up a large book, bigger than anything I've ever read, or would want to. The noise had been caused by Bianca pulling the book off the shelf. She walked over to the table, and set the book down with a loud thud. She began to read through the table of contents as I looked at terrifying photos of what appeared in the book. She turned to the page 666 and a photo, larger than those I was viewing earlier, was placed in the middle of long text in black ink. The ink hadn't been typed, this was a book that was hand written. Bianca traced her finger along the written words, and I still looked at the photo in awe. "Lamashtu," Bianca read. " a Mesopotamian goddess, and or demoness, that drinks the blood of children, along side any other offense." She looked up at me and pointed to the photo. "I didn't see a figure like that," I said. "No, I wasn't asking, I was pointing out. I saw her in my mirror. She looked identical to the photo." I turned the book to face me, and the library door slammed shut.

A/N: Short chapter! I have home work about cells, my least favorite. Anyways, my collab with @VioletLiaison is called RU Done It?, and we might be doing another one on my account soon

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