All the firsts pt:2

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I am skipping "and then she'd come." Part

Take her home/ her first smile

"She's so beautiful." You smiled down at your new born baby Nora. "I can't believe we made her. And she lived in my stomach. And I gave birth to her. All in a matter of months." You put your hand at her mouth as she grabbed your finger.

"She's perfect. Just like her mother." Barry smiled at you and you blushed. Even though you'd been married for 4 years, he still gives you butterflies.

"This is your new home Nora." You said quietly as Barry opened the door to your apartment. Barry took your hand and led you into the apartment and closed the door. Since you had a baby in your hands, he did everything.

Barry turned on the lights and said "Welcome home baby girl." He went up to Nora and gave her the brightest smile you'd ever seen him do. He was so happy to have a baby. You were happy too.

"Can I take her?" Barry asked with his arms out. He looked like a little kid the way he was so content. "Of course honey." You smiled and gently passed him the little new born.

"Ahh yes." Barry said as she settled into his arms. "You have my eyes little Nora. And you have your mommy's hair color. And her beautiful nose. And her stunning lips, that I love to kiss." Barry said as he held the baby close to his chest. He gave the baby a little kiss on the nose and she scrunched her face. "You look exactly like your mother when you do that baby." Barry cooed and rocked her slowly.

"Stop complementing me." You giggled as you took off your jacket and shoes. "Oh sorry." Barry laughed.

"She's so...just happy." Barry looked down on her and smiled at the sight. "I know. I really hope she has your speed." You smiled over at him as you brushed the baby's head with your hand.

"I don't. I don't want my little girl in any harms way." Barry tickled her stomach. Nora smiled up at barry and he bopped her noses

"Don't Freak out. She just smiled." Barry said quietly. "Really!" You said and clapped. "She did." Barry smiled. "Yes! There's still more firsts to go." You smiled at the baby and couldn't believe any of this was your life.

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