She is my daughter

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Barry was having doubts about Nora actually being his daughter. They've been through this before! People say that their one person, and come out as a super villain! Barry wants to protect his friends and family at star labs, not put them in danger because this girl is saying she's his daughter from the future. That's insane!

"Hey babe." Iris grinned as she saw Barry sitting on the couch in the star labs lounge. "Hey." Barry said as he was taken out of his thoughts about his daughter.

"What ya thinking about?" Iris asked as she sat right next to Barry and putting her hand on the back of his neck. "Nora. Iris I just don't know what to believe. It's crazy to think that our daughter, out of all people's would time travel. Wouldn't I have specifically told her not to do that!" Barry sighed as he put his head down with his hand on his forehead.

"Barry, imagine when you were little, that you had your super speed. And your dad wasn't there to see you grow up because I know that happened. But imagine never being able to see your dad. At least you saw his face sometimes and you know he was okay. Nora didn't know who you were, why you left her, she doesn't remember what you looked like! She wanted to come to see her dad. She wanted to run with you. Talk to you. Bond with you. Love you. And I know you know she's our daughter, but you're having second thoughts because of the past. Barry, she's our daughter. I believe it." Iris explained while looking him straight in the eyes.

"Maybe you're right." Barry looked around and back to iris. "She looks exactly like us bear. And she has the same lighting colors! Yellow and purple." Iris smiled.

"Yeah." Barry laughed. "She's very beautiful too." Barry smiled at iris. "Well I'm sure that comes from both of us." Iris laughed as they went to tell Nora that they believe her.

"Hey mom. Hi dad!" Said Nora as she was in the star labs fridge. "What are you doing kiddo?" Barry asked as Nora grabbed: eggs ham sausage bacon milk orange juice cereal and bread.

"Making breakfast." She said as she skipped around the kitchen. "If she loves to eat, then she's definitley your daughter bare." Iris laughed.

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