Going Back

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(Wow the last time I updated the story was 2016...really curious to see if anybody will even see this update!)

Melina POV:

"So Carmen, do you think you're going to get the part?" Jessie asked. I learned that Jessie was also a foster care child and that Carmen and her had been friends since they were 7!

"What part?" I asked as I shoved what the school called 'mystery meat sandwich' down my throat.

"The part of Sandy in Grease! You know, the musical that we have auditions for tomorrow?" Jessie responded looking confused. "Are you feeling ok? You seem really out of it today."

"Oh right! Yeah, I feel great, just didn't sleep well last night." I said. There was so much about Carmen that I didn't know! It honestly made me feel like a horrible person. When we met I just started talking all about my life and trying to make help her adjust to her new life, I never stopped to learn about what her current life was like.

"I still think you should talk to Ben and Jordyn about auditioning for a broadway show. You've got the talent, they have the connections, it would be so easy!" another girl, Lily added in.

"Yeah totally..." I said and drifted off into a daze. Why has Carmen never mentioned anything to us about wanting to be on broadway? I didn't even know she could sing! The lunch bell rang, snapping me out of my gaze. I couldn't help but wonder though, do I even know my sister at all?

Carmen POV:

"Ok listen dude, there's only so much I can do to save your ass here. Melina is really hurt, and even if it was because of a dare...you still kissed another girl." I explained to Jason as we sat in the auditorium during lunch.

"I know I know I messed up, I let the peer pressure get to me. It was stupid. I've been hating myself for it ever since and I've tried to apologize but she won't let me talk to her!" Jason replied.

"Well then we will have to come up with a plan to make her listen." I said.

"Not that I'm objecting to this or anything, but why do you want to help me? You don't know me that well, how can you trust me?"

"You're the first person that has ever been able to tell us apart. Jordyn and Ben haven't even figured it out yet. And besides, the eyes are the gateway to the soul, and by looking in yours I can see how much you care about her. You really like her."

"You're right. I'd do anything for her." Jason said looking down with a soft smile. "Lunch ends in 5 minutes though, so we need to make a plan fast."

"Oh trust me, I already have the perfect idea." I smirked.

Ben POV:

I finally got the twins to fall asleep and I slumped down on the couch next to a sleeping Jordyn. She is literally the most beautiful girl to exist, how did I get so lucky? Just then the door opened to reveal Josh carrying a sleeping Maddison. I waved at him and motioned towards Jordyn fast asleep, he nodded, understanding what I was saying and took Maddie up to her room. He came back down a few minutes later and sat in the chair next to our couch.

"How was your fun day with Maddie?" I whispered to him as I started lightly rubbing Jordyns back.

"It was great, we talked about the new babies! She said she doesn't like them because they don't talk and won't play with her" he laughed quietly.

"Damn dude, can you believe this. I'm only 28 and already have 5 kids. Could you ever have imagined this is what our lives would be like back when we started Newsies?" Just as I said that Jordyn's eyes slowly opened and she sat up next to me. "Good morning princess" I smiled as she wiped her eyes.

"Shit I didn't mean to fall asleep, did the twins go down ok?" Jordyn asked yawning.

"I got here and everything was already taken care of. Ben's a great dad." Josh smiled. "Now can we all stop being so mushy and talk about tonight! It's Friday night, we've hired a babysitting for the little kids, the girls are staying the night at a friends, LET'S GO CRAZY!"

"Gosh I've been needing a night out for so long, I feel like I'm 60 years old with my schedule." Jordyn laughed.

"The girls will be home from school soon, then their friend is picking them up at 7. Parker, Sky, and Lollie will be here at 8 along with the babysitter, and then it's go time!" I smiled. Ever since the babies were born last month we haven't left the house. We needed a crazy night out. Jordyn was worried about leaving the twins at first since they are still so young, but she really needs a break. This is going to an amazing night, it feels like we are just a bunch of crazy kids on tour of Newsies again.

Melina POV:

I nervously tapped my foot waiting for Carmen to meet me outside the house. What if she had been found out? What if she's in the principles office? Finally I saw her turning the corner and I ran up to her grabbing her in a hug.

"Oh my gosh we have so much to talk about!" I squealed squeezing her right.

"You got that right." Carmen said.

"So how was it? Was it everything you hoped a performing arts school would be?" I smiled.

"It was crazy! I love it there, I would give anything to go there." Carmen replied.

"Well...then why don't you audition?"

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"Secrets our Car, I know you can sing." I responded.

"Wh-what are you talking about? That's crazy talk I can't-"

"Why are you lying to me?" I cut her off. "Your friends were telling me how amazing you are- or I am since they thought I was you. They said that you wanted to talk to Ben and Jordyn about being on broadway. Why have you never talked to any of us about it?"

"Because I'm nowhere near as good as you, any of you. Sure I'm good enough to get a part at my small little school, but broadway is totally different. I'm just not ready."


"Can we talk about it another time? There's something bigger I want to talk about."

"Ok fine, but we are coming back to this!"

"I talked to Jason..."

"Carmen no! Please tell me you didn't tell him you- or I I guess- forgive him!"

"Melina he knew right away it was me. Didn't even have him fooled for a second. I think you should talk to him and hear him out" Carmen said. How could she say that? She knows how much pain I'm in!

"Not a chance." I said crossing my arms.

"Mel come on, you know I wouldn't tell you to talk to him if I didn't think something good would come out of it. You gotta trust me on this one. Besides, I got us invited to a party tonight and Jason is going to be there. It's the perfect place to talk to him."

"I don't know Car..."

"Let's just go to the party and if you don't wanna talk to him you dont have to, but at least the option is there. Besides, Ben and Jordyn are going out tonight and won't be home till late, they already think we are staying the night at a friends house! They will have no idea where we are!" Carmen smirked. I'm really stuck at a crossroad here. On one hand I want to talk to him because I really like him, but I'm also really hurt by what he did. But also...I could be down for a party tonight. I know I didn't like the last one but maybe I just needed to get used to it....I already had a night off from the show since our family all took this whole week off for baby recovery...when will I get a chance like this again?

"Alright, I'm in."

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