Hows My Form?

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Ben POV:

I knocked on Melina's door and she instantly told me to come in. That's new. When I opened the door she was sitting on her bed dying laughing watching the tv.

"I remember you being in Mean Girls dad, but I don't remember you being so cringey." she laughed. I looked at her tv and there I was during Do This Thing in Mean Girls. "IS THAT YOU TRYING TO TWERK?" she fell backwards on the bed and laughed so loud I think the whole house could hear her.

"I was trying to dance bad on purpose!" I protested.

"Ben I've seen you at our families didn't have to try very hard." Melina said.

"How did you even find this video anyways?" I laughed sitting down on her bed next to her.

"I was deciding what show I want to aim for when I leave Evan Hansen, and I think it's Mean Girls. So I was watching some videos since I haven't seen it in a long time, wasn't long before these videos started showing up." she smiled. "Also it's disturbing how many videos there are that are all about your 'cute' moments."

"Hey, some people actually do think I'm cute!" I protested.

"You're my dad...I don't want to think about that." Melina cringed.

"You know you used to think my dancing was so funny in Mean Girls!"

"It's definitely still funny, but for a whole different reason." she laughed.

"Oh whatever!" I said grabbing the remote and turning the tv off.

"So why exactly did you come to my room?"

"I thought we could spend the afternoon together, just the two of us. We haven't done that in forever."

"Yeah that'd be cool! Let me get ready and I'll meet you downstairs!" she smiled. Oh thank goodness, she actually wants to do it. I was worried she would freak out on me. I ran downstairs and Jordyn was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"How did it go?" she smiled.

"She found the videos of me in Mean girls." I said.

"YES THOSE ARE MY FAVORITE!" Jordyn set her coffee down on the table and jumped up, beaming from ear to ear. "How's my form?" she laughed and started twerking like I did.

"You gotta use your back a little more like this." I joked and showed her how the experts do it.

"Oh ok like this?" she laughed and we both kept doing it.

"Do I want to know what is going on?" Lucas asked appearing at the top of the stairs.

"Just practicing our dance moves to show off at the next party you guys lie to us about." I said still going hard.

"Dad I'm ready to-" Melina started running to the top of the stairs and stopping dead in her tracks. "It was funny on the tv, it's terrifying in real life." she said with her eyes wide.

"You guys wish you could dance like us!" Jordyn laughed stopping dancing and grabbing my hand. "Have fun babe." she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Keep practicing those dance moves, we can finish this tonight." I winked.

"See ya later Lucas." I heard Melina say. Suspicious. She ran down the stairs and came and stood next to me.

"I'm ready!" she smiled. Let's do this thing.

Sky POV:

I finished taking a picture with a fan and then joined Kinsley on the bench where she handed me my coffee. It was a beautiful day in Central Park and I got to spend it with the most beautiful girl.

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