The Shooter

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Melina POV:

I held onto Jason as we hid up on the catwalks of the theatre, breathing as silently as we could as we continued to hear shots ring out. We both had our backs against the wall trying to be as out of sight as possible.

"Jay I'm so scared." I whispered. He squeezed my hand tight in his.

"We are gonna get out of this alive." He reassured me.

"But what if we don't?" I asked. "What if this is the end."

"You can't think like that. Everything is going to be ok." How can everything be ok? There's a shooter loose in the school, I don't know where my phone is to call for help or anything, I'm trapped. I'm not ready to die. The gunshots were getting closer and closer and my whole body was shaking from fear. We figured we would be safer staying in the theatre, but is anywhere in this school really safe right now? All of the sudden we heard the theatre doors burst open followed by terrifying screams. I jumped and Jason threw his hand over my house and put his finger over his mouth with his other hand telling me to be quiet. Tears filled my eyes and I could no longer see what was going on, only hear.

"IN HERE NOW!" A voice screamed. From under our feet we could see a boy I didn't recognize in a black hoodie pushing a large group of people into the theatre, all with their hands up. "UP ON THE STAGE!" Something about his voice seemed familiar. He looked around the theatre as if to see if anybody else was in there, but he looked right past us and continued up onto the stage. He had everybody sit down on the stage in lines and there was an awkward silence.

"Why are we" a voice started but was cut off by the sound of a gunshot. We looked and saw a girl laying down on the stage covered in blood. My breath was cut short and I was fighting back screaming so bad. But I knew if I made a noise I would be dead.

"ANYBODY ELSE HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY!" He screamed. There's truly no escape now. The man with the gun is in the theatre with us, one sound and we are shot dead. I gripped Jason's hand so hard that it was starting to hurt. I think this is really the end.

Ben POV:

I saw them escorting some kids out of the school, I looked but none of them were Melina.

"How much longer!" I asked anxiously to nobody.

"I overheard somebody say the shooter has taken hostages into the theatre and locked himself in there." Sky said running over.

"Fuck." I said. "Melina usually eats lunch in there."

"Ben I'm starting to really get scared." Jordyn said with tears filling her eyes.

"Come here babe." I said and grabbed her in a hug. I kissed her forehead and then rested my chin on top of her head. "Everything is going to be ok."

"You don't know that Ben, you're freaking out!" She said. I forgot that a lot of Jordyns energy feeds off of mine. I need to act more calm so she doesn't lose it.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry baby, I'm scared too. But she's gonna get out of this alive. I know it." I told her.

"Yo anybody seen Carmen recently?" Sky asked.

"She told me that she needed some space." Parker said.

"I tried calling her and she didn't answer." Josh said.

"That's because she got her phone taken away." I said.

"Oh shit." Parker said.

"What?" Jordyn asked pulling back from me.

"I think I might have accidentally given her an idea...a bad idea." Parker said.

Carmen POV:

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