AU part 5

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Ben POV:

"Josh lets go!" I screamed up to him.

"My jacket is missing a button." Josh said walking down the stairs looking confused.

"Dude thats MY jacket!"

"Oh, hey Ben! Your jacket is missing a button." Josh smiled.

"Lets just go please." I said. I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck and we headed out into the winter cold. The whole ground was covered in ice and snow and it felt like negative 100 degrees outside. The cold winter air hit us like a brick wall and I could instantly feel the chill in my bones.

"So how was your date last night?" Josh asked as we hurried down the street.

"Didn't go." I shrugged.

"Ben, that's your 5th date this year you've skipped." Josh said.

"Yeah well maybe if you stop setting me up on dates I won't have to skip them." I said.

"Oh come on Ben. I've known you since you were 17 and you haven't gone on more than one date with any girl. Except for that girl Jordyn..." Josh said.

"I'm only 21 Josh! What's the rush?" I asked.

"There's no rush! You just always talk about wanting a girlfriend." Josh said.

"That doesn't mean I just want to be with some random girl you set me up with!"  I protested. "I want the right girl."

"Well the right girl isn't just going to run right into you!" Josh said. All of the sudden I started to slide on the ice and I slipped knocking down another person on the sidewalk and landing on my butt with my beanie sliding down over my eyes.

"I am so sorry!" I heard a girl say. I pulled my beanie up so I could see and I instantly recognized the girl.

"Jordyn." I whispered, totally in shock that she was in front of me right now.

"Really universe, that's how you're gonna work. Well you know it's not like there's a broken down food truck offering free bacon right in front me!" Josh said and then looked around. "Damn it why does it only work for Ben!"

"Oh my gosh, Ben!" She smiled. "Oh my gosh my ankle!" she said her expression fading from happiness to pain.

"Are you ok?" I asked quickly moving over to her and looking at her ankle.

"I think it's broken." she said holding it in pain.

"Josh grab her bag, let's take her to the emergency room." I said helping her stand up.

"Ow!" Jordyn said as soon as she put the smallest amount of pressure on her ankle.

"Let me carry you." I said. I reached down and picked her up in my arms, I'm so glad I've been working out more so I didn't seem like a weakling. Not that she's fat!

"Jordyn! Great to see you again! Long time no see!" Josh smiled awkwardly as we started walking towards the closest emergency room. Luckily one was only 3 blocks away. We checked her in and she immediately got a room since there was no wait. Perfect. "Haha look, I made a balloon." Josh laughed after he blew up one of the doctors gloves.

"So um how have you been Jordyn?" I laughed.

"Well I'm currently in the emergency room for a broken ankle so you know, been better." Jordyn joked.

"Yeah this isn't exactly how I imagined running into you again." I said.

"Oh so you've imagined running into me!" Jordyn smirked.

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