The Secret Garden

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Melina POV:

I just can't sleep. I look at my phone and it's 6:30 in the morning. Great. Carmen is knocked out hard, lucky her. Maybe I just need some food. I quietly slipped out of bed, threw on my robe and snuck out of the room. I went to the grand staircase and as I was walking down I saw Parker passed out on the couch. Did Genevieve go home? I walked over to him and saw he had the baby laying on his chest asleep. I quickly pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of him, this is adorable. I went to look at the picture and my phone slipped out of my hand crashing down on the floor. Instantly the baby's eyes shot open and he started screaming causing Parker to wake up, a freaked look on his face.

"Hey hey it's ok." Parker said standing up holding the baby and bouncing his gently while shushing him. I couldn't help but giggle a little bit watching him. Since when did his dad mode get activated?

"Sorry!" I said quietly as Parker continued to calm the baby. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some yogurt so I didn't make the situation worse. When the baby finally stopped crying I walked back in to the living room, yogurt in hand. "You don't look like you've slept a wink."

"That's because I haven't." Parker groaned.

"Why are you staying awake with the random baby?" I laughed.

"Can you keep a secret?" Parker asked.

"Is that even a question? Shall we go through all of the secrets I have kept for you over the years?" I said.

"Ok ok we don't need to bring those up." Parker laughed.

"What about when I was 12 and you were supposed to be babysitting me but you landed a date with this girl you said was your 'dream girl' so you took her on a date to the mall and gave me $50 to spend wherever I wanted and pretend like I didn't know you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hey don't forget you gauged me an extra $50 for your 'don't tell Jordyn' fee." Parker said.

"Anyways, I've proved to you I can keep a secret. So spill." I sat down in one of the chairs, what brand of yogurt is this? We need to buy it more often.

"This baby is actually mine." I instantly spit the yogurt that was in my mouth out and started choking.

"WHAT!" I freaked. Parker instantly started patting the baby's back hoping he wouldn't wake up. There was now spits of yogurt all over the living room. Fuck the maid doesn't get here until 9, I have to clean that up before Jordyn gets home.

"You got some range girl." Parker said wiping some yogurt off of his face.

"What do you mean that baby is yours! When the fuck did you have a baby!" I stood up still trying to process everything.

"Well I mean I didn't physically have the baby I don't have the parts for that."

"Not the time for jokes!" I freaked.

"It's kind of the only way I can cope with all of this." Parker said.

"Come here give me the baby." I said. He gently placed the baby in my arms and then fell backwards into the couch. It practically absorbed him. "James. Your middle name. I should've realized it."

"How do you know my middle name?" he asked, his eyes only half open.

"You tell like everybody your middle name." I laughed.

"Oh...yeah..." he said drifting off.

"Hey." I laughed kicking his ankle. "Why don't you go get some sleep, I'm wide awake. I'll take care of the baby."

"Do you...know wh...what to do...." He mumbled.

"I've helped raise all the kids...I got this. Now go!" I kicked his ankle again and he slowly got up and drug himself up the stairs to his room.

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