The Donut Shop

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Ben POV:

I pulled my black beanie down onto my head and cuffed it.

"It's go time." I said. I looked over at Josh and he gave me a nod of approval, while still holding a serious face.

"Let the record show I am only doing this so Kins doesn't kill me if something happens to Lucas." Sky said standing in front of us with his arms crossed, wearing a blue jacket and jeans.

"Dude! We told you dress code was all black!" I whined.

"You're messing up the vibe we have!" Josh pouted.

"Do you guys even have a plan?" Sky asked.

"We totally have a plan!" Parker said as he finished tying his bandana around his head. "Our plan is to find whoever the hell set my little brother up."

"Nobody messes with this family." Lucas said.

"Jordyn's going to kill all of you when she finds out about this." Sky said.

"Correct." I said. I love my wife...but I also fear her. Jordyn controls all of us and we know it. If she catches us doing this we will all be grounded for eternity. Let's hope she never knows.

"So what's our first step?" Josh asked.

"We go back to the scene of the crime." Parker said.

"And nobody touches anything without gloves on." Sky added.

"Is the body still there?" Lucas asked.

"Unless somebody has found it already, it should still be there." Parker said.

"Cool." Lucas smiled.

"You really do scare me." I said to him.

"But he's always there to protect Melina and Carmen." Josh said.

"Speaking of, how is your scrape feeling?" Sky asked. "Maybe you shouldn't be doing all and rest instead."

"Trust me it's fine, it didn't even hurt last night." Lucas said.

"What did you do last night?" I asked.

"Oh uh workout. Big workout." Lucas said.

"Why would you workout after a big fight?" Parker asked.

"Just a lot of built up feelings I was finally able to let out." Lucas explained. "I still think we should call the boys to help out, they covered up Melina's little drug bust."

"There's a big difference between a little bag of cocaine and murder!" Sky insisted.

"The more time we stand here talking the more time the police have to find Timmy's fingerprints. Let's get a move on." Parker said. Like we've always looks out for each other. Our little Timmy really has gotten himself into some trouble. But he didn't do this. And we have to prove it.

Carmen POV:

"How much further do we have to go?" I whined as I followed Camden down the streets.

"We're almost there I promise!" he laughed. It felt like we had been walking forever. We finally got to the donut shop and we went inside to reveal the cutest little cafe. "They make their donuts fresh, I promise you will never have anything better."

"That's a big promise to make." I smirked.

"Can we have two of today's specialty donuts." Camden said ordering for us.

"What's the specialty donut?" I asked.

"We'll find out." Camden laughed. We sat down at the corner table and soon enough they brought us out the donuts.

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