FIFTY FIVE~ Confessing "Sin"

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Caution this part contains: Acts of Gun Violence

TEN| Living THE Normal

October 27, 2014

When I woke up I didn't feel no different from yesterday, except my banging head ache.




"Roro wake up its 9:45, you sleeping the day away!" I heard Shelia from outside my door.

I smacked my lips before I began taking the boogers out my eyes, "Ma, Im not. It's still the mornin'."

"So what," She popped into my room causing me to toss the cover back over my ass as I began to sit up, "You fifteen baby. This the year you gone realize everything real is fake, aren't you excited." She asked as I rubbed my eyes and hunched over on the side of my bed.

As I discreetly put on some shorts I laughed at her question. "No offense but I learned that a long time ago mama." I kissed her cheek as I started to get up and get ready, "Besides, I'ma grown man, fifteen ain't nothin."

"Grown man my ass." She scoffed causing me too on my way to the bathroom, "Just because yo high brain daddy let you get tattoos at 13 and yo fat head ass gotta bitch pregnant don't make you no fucking man." She retorted, "You a lil ass boy tryna be grown." Now that made me laugh.

"Ight mama."

"Hurry in that bathroom before yo food get cold." She shoved my head playfully before she kissed my cheek, "And happy birthday Royalty."

"Thank you mama."


Since today is a day of a new year as I like to call it, I need to change a lil bit. Starting wit this hair o' mine.

"Here." Shelia passed me over three hundred, "Its some of yo welfare check, I'ma give you the rest when you eighteen-"

"What?" I laughed. "You some different ma."

"Im dead ass, it's in yo college fund." She nodded her head at me. I was just standing there dumbfounded, "I know I may not be the mother you want me to be ever since that bastard walked out on me but you need to know I try."

"I know mama."

"And I love you, even with your preferences."

"Okay mama. I love you too." I hugged her.

My mom has always had trouble with her feelings, hell she used to be a doormat when it came to my dad.

June ● 2009

~June ● 2009~

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