Chapter 115

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Bomb sex scenes coming up💅🏽
Cassie Davis
October 19th, 2:00pm
"Alright, how do I look?" I asked both Christin and Lisa, stepping out of my dressing room.

They looked at each other unsure of themselves.

"I would keep looking." Christin said.

"Yeah...what she said." Lisa agreed.

"It doesn't look that bad to m- oh hell nah. Y'all right. This is dress ugly." I huffed, taking a look in the mirror. "Damn man. We done been through every dress we picked out."

"Cass we gone find sum, it's all good mama." Lisa assured me.

"I'm bout to give up and wear a trash bag to my own wedding cause this shit is blowing me." I pouted, crossing my arms. "Ima look ugly as hell"

"Even if that is what you decide to do, Saint will think your beautiful regardless. Trash bag or wedding dress." Christin assured me.

"...I'm finna cry." I huffed.

"Cass you acting like there ain't 100 other wedding dresses out here. Your gonna find one trust me." Lisa said.

"I really hope so." I sighed, walking back into the dressing room. Taking off the dress, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was getting married. Me. Cassie Davis soon to be Cassidy Skai Smith. Would've never guessed this as a little girl who always played wedding games and shit.

After thinking I would never find 'the one' after Saint and I broke up in high school, here he comes; back into my life, blessing the family with Kairi and everything. I really did love that man.

"CASS!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" I called out, putting my shoes back on.

"No...NOW!" she said.

"Cassie get the fuck out here, ASAP!" Chris panicked.

"Give me one damn minute." I huffed in frustration.

"Girl if you don't-" Christin huffed, pulling me out of the dressing room with one shoe on and one off.

"What man? What is so important?" I spat, looking forward.

"Look!" They exclaimed in unison, pointing forward.

I turned my head seeing the most beautiful dress any bride could want to wear on their wedding day.

It was a white mermaid tail dress with a lace top and a flowey bottom. It was perfect and it looked better than any of the dresses here or any other places we'd been to.

"Cass, go and grab that one before anyone else does!" Lisa whispered.

Slowly stepping off to the side, I scurried over to the dress getting a closer look at it. It had jewels made to look like diamonds sewn into the lace on the bottom. Something you'd miss if you didn't look at it carefully. I loved that insignificant detail about it. Just made it more perfect to me.

Attempting to take it off the hanger it was on, I felt something tug on it at the same time I did. I looked on the other side of the dress to see another lady, seemingly wanting the same dress as me.

"Oh." I chuckled.

"Oh." She chuckled, letting go of the dress.

"We're you trying to get the dress behind this one or...?" I asked politely.

"No, I was trying to get this one. We're you trying to get the dress behind this one?" She asked.

"Actually no. I was trying to get the same one you just tried to grab." I chuckled awkwardly.

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