Dark Danger 4 (Alternate Ending)

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Ever since the Z and N incident downtown, I've been a mess. Spending way too long training in Rai's gym, barely eating anything and avoiding people at all costs. I knew that it wasn't healthy, I knew I needed help, but I just couldn't. My friends, my family, they've been through enough, I've been through enough. 

Whenever I close my eyes, I see Zoe. I see Nigel. I remember killing those innocent people. People who were just trying to help change the world. People that Z and N didn't want left alive, so they used me to kill them. 

Everyday I try to sleep, I have to take heavy sleeping pills so I don't spend all night awake with my thoughts. Thankfully, with the medication, I don't dream while I sleep. 

My friends have been trying to comfort me, but after what I said that day after what happened downtown, I think they're pretty shaken up. I admitted to wanting to kill more people, and it scared me. I've killed and I've killed. I've killed 237 people and yet I want to add more. I want to destroy the lives of everyone who's been a part of Z and N. 

I don't think there's a reality where I could be ok with this. And as selfish as it is, I don't think I'll ever be able to tell my parents what actually happened. I haven't spoken to them since before I disappeared. They don't even know if I'm alive or not. To all of Swellview, I am a missing person. 

I haven't talked to Piper though I so wish I could. I miss her more than anything in the world. Every time I see her name pop up on my friends' phone, I feel part of me breaking apart. 

As I lay punch after punch against the punching bag, I could hear my friends talking in the corner of Rai's Man Cave gym. 

"Is he ever going to stop punching those things?" I hear Rai whisper to Charlotte. She shrugs. 

"How long has he been at it?" Jasper asked quietly. 

"I don't know, what time is it?" Charlotte asks. 

"16:35." Schwoz replied, taking a glance at his watch. 

"He got up at eight and he's been at it since nine." Rai adds. 

"I've been at it for eight hours and 35 minutes. You guys are terrible whisperers." I say from across the room. I hear them jump. 

"Sorry Kid, we didn't realize you were listening." 

"So talking about me behind my back is better?" I ask sarcastically. 

"Well no, but-" 

"I'm joking Raimond." I say with no emotion. 

"Did he just full name me?" Rai grumbled. 

"Henry, are you going to stop soon?" Charlotte asked, ignoring Rai's childish comment. 

"No." I say bluntly. 

"Henry, you haven't eaten since this morning, and even then, it was only a slice of toast with a fried egg on it." Rai sighed. "It's not enough. You haven't eaten enough and then you proceed to work it all off. You're going to make yourself sick."

"I'm fine Rai." I mutter. 

"You're not fine and you know it." 

"You're right Rai! I'm not fine!" I shout, whipping around to look at them. My sudden outburst causing them to flinch. "But what do you want me to do? I'm not even a person anymore! I'm a weapon! A weapon which they used to kill over two hundred people!" 


"Henry what? Henry we understand? Henry it's going to be ok? Henry you're not who they made you to be?" I scream at them. "You don't understand! I was tortured and destroyed! How can you understand! You get power jetted with freezing water, cut up with blades, and have your brain basically electrocuted to have information on all of my victims! Then you will understand! How can it be ok when I can't sleep unless it's scientifically induced?" 

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