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Warning! This chapter includes self inflicted harm, supernatural creatures and mild gore.
There will also be a lot of Point of View changes between Rai and Henry and I am very sorry about that, but for this chapter to work, that's how it has to be :| 

January 1, 2007

 It had been a while since the small family had seen any fireworks, they should head to the car.

"Can't I stay out a little longer Mama?" A young boy pleaded, looking at his mother with big chocolate brown eyes, his ruffled blond hair sticking up at odd angles from his now pulled off pom pom hat. 

The mother smiled. "Ok Henry, but only for a little while longer, it's late." 

Henry smiled a wide toothy grin and a nod. He ran off to play in the snow. 

As the young boy ran off, her heard something in the woods. Being the curious great miniature adventurer he was, he just had to check it out. He thought he heard someone, or something in the nearby bushes, so naturally he had to look. 

Hoping for a unicorn, or maybe a dragon, but instead, he heard a deep growl. 

Henry recoiled slightly but decided, no adventurer he read about ever ran at the sight of danger. He instead, decided to venture further. What do you do when something is scary? You make them scared instead. With the best growl he could muster, he growled and parted the bushes, only to wish he hadn't. 

Standing on all fours before him, was the biggest, yellow eyed, grey furred wolf! The giant monstrous beast had to be at least six feet tall. It's beady gold eyes and bared teeth glistened in the light of the full moon that had been such a treat to see while the fireworks were still going off. 

Henry slowly took a step back, not noticing the position the wolf was in, ready to pounce, it only took the crackle of frozen snow breaking under the young boy's foot for the wolf to leap, pinning the child under it's powerful paws. 

The child screeched, alerting his parents of what was happening, the father rushed over, leaving his seven month pregnant wife so she would be out of harms way, and rushed to his son's aid. 

He tackled the wolf off his son, plunging his silver pocket knife into the demon dog's heart, he didn't expect this to kill it, but sure enough, it lay dead. 

"Henry! Are you hurt?" 

Henry's mother ran, well more quickly waddled, over to her husband and son, gasping as she saw the mess her four year old son was in. 

A bite mark ripped through his shoulder, sure to scar.

After a trip to the ER, a few gauze wraps and tears, the Hart family went home. 

But it was far from over.

As time went on the Hart's started to notice changes in their young son. 

His hair had grown shaggier, his dark brown eyes had lightened significantly, turning from brown to a soft amber. He suddenly became faster, stronger, his senses were heightened, his canines had grown into sharp fangs. 

Neither of the parents could understand the sudden change. Why their child's hair had grown so fast, that they couldn't keep it short, why his deep brown eyes turned practically yellow. It was only when February second rolled around that they finally understood. 

All that week, their normally happy child was moody, irritable and on edge, but the night of the second, when the full moon shone they realized just what had happened. The wolf Jake Hart had killed with his silver blade, had been a werewolf. A werewolf that had bitten their child under the light of a full moon. A werewolf that had shared it's curse with the young boy. 

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now