Stuck between a nightmare and lost dreams

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Meet Jinxx jr. or Jinx with one 'x'

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This is my child

littlecastiel is the other parent


Damien POV
"Is Quinn okay?"  I asked Virgil for probably the millionth time.

"As okay as he can be,"  He mumbled in response.

"That doesn't answer my question!"  I yelled, my temper getting the best of me. 

"Calm down, geesus, just chill,"  Virgil told me.

"Does Quinn hate us?"  Evan asked softly from where he had curled into himself on the arm chair. 

"No...he loves you guys very much..."  Virgil said quickly.  "He's...just...struggling a lot because of this."

"How can someone be struggling because of a crush?!"  Remus yelled from where he was face down on the floor. 

"You scared him!"  Virgil accused angrily.

"Who's side are you on?"  I asked Virgil.

"Why are there sides in this?"  Virgil asked.  "Why can't you four just talk it out?!  Like normal civilized human beings!"

"From what you're saying, it seems like Quinn doesn't want to talk to us anymore,"  Evan said, tears filling his eyes.

Remus and I were almost instantly at his side.  But Remus backed off, seeming to realize that he wasn't the right person to comfort Evan. 

I sat down next to him and held him tightly in my arms.  I tried to calm down from my bout of anger by burying my face in Evan's soft hair.

"He's upset, he's reliving a lot of trauma, he's scared,"  Virgil said again.  "Quinn needs time to think things through."

"He blatantly told me no,"  Remus reminded us.

"Quinn wasn't prepared for news like that,"  Virgil tried to explain.  "He has bad anxiety.  You scared him, he tried to fight but he ended up just running instead.  I know he feels bad for saying that but his anxiety was reacting before he could logically think.  People with trauma and PTSD as bad as him need consistency and dropping a bomb like that completely destroys any sense of peace he had."

Evan, Remus, and I were silent.  We've all dealt with our fair share of trauma, but Quinn definitely got it worst.  I didn't know something like this would affect him this badly. 

"How is trauma resurfacing?"  I couldn't help but ask.

Virgil turned to Remus with a stern and angry look in his eye.  Remus actually looked uncomfortable.  I am too if I'm being honest.  I've never seen Virgil get this defensive over someone. 

"You yelled at him,"  Virgil told Remus.  "He can't handle be yelled at.  Especially by people older than him.  Loud noises, and I'm sorry but you are an obnoxiously loud person, frighten him and can trigger bad memories."

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