Prom Special?

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Me: Oh boy I think I need some help!!!

Chester Bennington: What's wrong?

Mick Thomson: Yeah what's wrong?

Me: Should I do a prom special for you guys and gals?

Amy Lee: Ooh I would love that.

Freddie Mercury: I agree

Tatiana Shmaylyuk: Attention followers here's a question from the author

Carla Harvey: Would any of you like a prom special?

Heidi Shepherd: Pick yes or no if you want one.

Jared Leto: The most votes will decided on a prom chapter or not

Mick Thomson: So please take your time to decide

Me: Thank you all and please say yes or no on the comments because I'm having a tiny bit of writers block.

Lacey Sturm, Joan Jett, Amy Lee and the others: Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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