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^Laura's parents are coming to Lynches for 3 days. They are coming soon so they are waiting them in living room^
Laura: I'm so nervousssss... What if my mom hates everything in me now?
Ross: How she'd hate you?
Laura: Not now, Ross...
Rydel: It will go fine. It's three days and does go like Flussh!
^Laura's parents ring the doorbell and Stormie opens the door. Laura's parents comes in^
Ellen: Hi guys!
Rydel: ^hugs Ellen^ Hi Elly.
^they stop hugging^
Ellen: Hi Rydel. You are so pretty. Do you remember our thing?
Rydel: Ellen and Rydel, Booom oh yeah, whoa-whoa, we. rock. that. ROCK! ^does the Rydel pose^ Haha, still remember it.
Ellen: ^smiles^
Laura: ^hugs her dad Domiano "Dam"^ Hi daddy.
Ellen: Lauraaa! Come here.
^Laura stop hugging with her dad and she hugs her mom^
Ellen: I missed you so much Sugarbee.
Ross: Sugarbee, huh? ^laughs^
Laura: You don't never say that. ^laughs^
^Ellen and Laura stop hugging^
Ellen: Ross!
^Ross and Ellen hugs quickly^
Ellen: Whoa, you have work out.
Laura: Mom!
Ross: Well, only jumping and goofing around the stage. ^laughs^
Stormie: Okay guys, you can put your things to basements bedroom. I know it sounds weird but it's really clean place.
Ellen: Okay.
^Dam and Ellen goes to basement with their stuff^
Laura: Hashtag Embarrasing...
Ross: ^puts his arm on Laura's shoulders^ Don't worryyyyy... We go in my room as soon as possible.
Laura: Okay baby...
^Ellen and Dam comes up^
Laura: Mommy, daddy, you should help Stormie at cooking our dinner. So help her.
Ellen: Everything okay?
Laura: Yesssss!
Dam: Our little girl... Huh?
Laura:Yea, yea. I need to talk to Ross in our room for a while. Baby, come.
^Ross and Laura goes to their room^
Rydel: If you hear yelling it's their normal way to talk. ^laughs^ Then they come here and sit on the couch and then they kiss.
Ellen: Awww...
Dam: Kiss?

In Raura's room
^Ross and Laura are cuddling^
Ross: You know how much I love you right... I love you.
Laura: ^hugs tighter^ You make me feel better... And I love you and your "long" hair... It's cute.
Ross: Thank you...
Laura: ^kisses Ross's shoulder (btw, Ross have sweather😂)^ Lets go...
Ross: Can we go to swim after we eat?
Laura: Yes, why?
Ross: I wanna show you I'm not just a pretty boy who have amazing girlfriend who he not deserve...
Laura: Ross no... You deserve me. I love love love love love looooove you.
Ross: ^smiles^ Love you too.
^Ross and Laura go to living room. They sit to the couch next to each other.^
Ross: What we have for dinner?
Ellen: Umm... Beef and potatoes.
Ross: Okay.
Laura: Don't put that sauce to those. That smells bad and it taste horrible.
Dam: Sure, Laura.
^Ross lies down and puts his legs to Laura's lap^
Laura: ^pets Ross's legs^ You know Ross... We have been together 3 years but we never, like do this.
Ellen: Stormie?
Ellen: Cook for while, please.
Stormie: Sure!
Ellen: ^walks to Raura^ I have surprise for you. I know your anniversary was on 2 weeks ago buuuut...
^Ellen goes get the surprise and comes back^
Ellen: Here you go. ^Gives the box to Laura^
^Laura opens the box.^
Laura: Oh my goood! Spa weekend, hockey game's tickets... NO WAY! The 1975's concert tickets to everywhere we want! Mooom!
Ross: Oh my god! Thank you Ellen.
Ellen: ^smiles^ Three years is long time without fighting...
^Raura look at each other^
Laura: Yeaaaa...
Ellen: Haha. ^goes to kitchen^
Ross: I can't believe we're going to hockey game and to The 1975's concert!
Laura: There was spa weekend too.
Ross: Me and spa? Really? Go with mom and Rydel.
Laura: Sillyyyy! ^laughs^

After dinner.
^Stormie, Mark, Ellen and Damiono are in the living room. They doesn't notice Ross in the kitchen^
Ellen: We need to tell you something... It's about us. You need to support Laura when we tell this to her tomorrow...
Dam: Me and Ellen are breaking up. We both stay in LA and we don't have fight or anything but here's not sparkle between us anymore.
Mark: It's really good to hear you both stay in LA without fights. Riker and his first girlfriend can't be in the same room or only 1 comes back.
Stormie: Mark... Terrible news... What you think Laura will say?
^Ross puts the glass to table and everyone hears it^
Ellen: Ross!? Did you hear everything?
Ross: No... No, I just came here... I didn't hear anything.
Stormie: Sweetheart, can you go away cuz we are talking adult's things now.
Ross: I'm 19. Tell me.
Mark: Ross.
Ross: Okay, okay...
^Ross goes to his room^
Laura: I have breaking news!
Ross: What? Nobody is breaking up.
Laura: What?
Ross: What?
Laura:Any wayyyyyy... Austin and Ally are scripts came and there's a kiss. I'm so happyyyy!
Ross: Yayy... ^looks nervous^
Laura: Aaah, I almoust forgot my parents are here. I really wanna hug them now!
Ross: That's not good ideaaa...
Ross: They are talking with my parents about... Vanessa's weddings? Yea, Vanessa's weddings.
Laura: She had her weddings already. What's up Ross? You're acting strange.
Ross: Umm... ^he kisses Laura hard^ I just wanted do that. That's whyyyy...
Laura: Seriously Ross...
Ross: I can't tell...
Laura: Is it bad thing?
Ross: ^nods and hugs Laura^ You have my whole family supporting you then...
Laura: Okayyyy...

Next day.
^O'clock is 1pm. Laura's parents and Laura are outside.^
Ellen: We are so proud of you. You found sweetest boyfriend ever, you live with amazing family who support you and your thoughts. Like every mother, I wish you could stay like that forever... but that's not possible.
Laura: Yea, I get older every second but I'm glad I get older with Lynches and one Ratliff. Mom, dad I'm so sorry I moved out just because Vanessa and Chris moved in. I know how much you wanna me back to move with you two again and of course, living with them is amazing.
Dam: Yea. We miss you Laura. Could you and Ross come for night to our place?
Ellen: It would be last night together as whole family...
Laura: ^her face gets curious^ Why last?
Ellen: Me and dad made decision to break up... We doesn't have fight on, we break up cuz we don't have that sparkle between us anymore.
Dam: You have every right to be mad but you have to understand.
Laura: I... I thought you were happy...
^cries^ You do know this breaks my heart... I had parents living under the same roof... I understand it... You don't have the same sparkle what I have everytime with Ross.
Dam:We are so sorry Laura.
Laura: ^whipes her tears^ I'm glad you broke up when I'm older not when I was like 10. ^laughs^
Ellen: Laura, come heeeere.
^Laura and Ellen hugs and Laura starts crying^
Ellen: Honey, you don't have to act brave to us or Lynches or even to Ellington. Mom know it hurts...
Laura: me and Ross will come to your place when you go home...
Ellen: Laura, you don't have to of you don't want... We stay next night here and we go home.
Laura: No, I seriously wanna come... Mom, why this hurts so much?
Ellen: Cuz you have used to it that we are together... I know, now you feel you don't smile ever again but when you listen "Cali Girls" or "Smile" you will be like "Today I felt like running naked through your street to get all your attention" .
^Laura laughs^
Dam: Aww, there's the smile!
Laura: I love you guys.
Dam: We love you too.
^Ellen and Laura stops hugging^
Ellen: Then we have some happy news too.
Dam: Don't freak out Laura. This might be really shocking new after that new.
Laura: Yea?
Ellen: Umm... Vanessa is the first, you are the second, then comes Lola and we have Logan...
Laura: OH MY GOD! Mooom! Oh my god! ^jumps^ Aaaaaah! Mommyyyy! Daddyyy! A baby brother!? Reallyyyyy!? Awww!
Dam: I don't wanna make any worse but remember the breaking up thing.
Laura: Yea, but sorry that's not big deal... Cuz you are happy and cool with this. It's okay! But I GET BABY BRO!!!
^Laura runs inside and hugs Ross. Ross spins Laura while they hug^
Ross: Why so happy?
Laura: I get baby brotherrrrrrr!
^Stormie smiles and Ellen and Damiono comes in^
Ross:O-oohhhh, so cool!
^Raura kisses for long^
Ellen: ^smiles^ Laura looks so happy...
Laura: I can't believe thisssss...
Ross: Congrats by the way.
Stormie: Guys, Rydellington, come here!
^Riker, Rocky, Rydel and Ell comes^
Stormie: Where's RyRy?
Rydel: He went to Sav.
^Stormie points Ellen^
Ellen:We're getting baby... ^smiles^ but the worst thing is that we are broken up when this baby comes.
Rocky:Broken up?
Riker: What!?
Ell: Ohhhhh...
Rydel: BABY!? Awwww!
Ellen: Yea, we broke up.
Riker: Too bad...
Dam: We are happier this way.
Laura: I'll be big sister!

Few days after.
^Ross and Laura are in Marano's house. They are in Laura's bed^
Ross: This was different last time.
Laura: Yea, it was before my obsession with you and R5. Of course these, "I love Ross Lynch, he's my boyfriend, xoxoxo" and "I love you -Laura. I love you more -Ross." texts can make the room looks different. ^laughs^
Ross: ^laughs and sits to Laura's bed next to her^ I can't believe our first kiss was right here.
Laura: Me either. I'm so happy I have you in my life...
Ross: Me too...

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