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"People write negative things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell..."


Los Olivos, California

Michael Jackson -- April 2nd, 1993
Location: 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd.

Michael Jackson -- April 2nd, 1993Location: 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd

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The kids stared down at Muscles in amazement. Since he was so huge, they all had to carry him together. This was the first time in a few weeks that I invited children to come to Neverland. It would've been done sooner if I wasn't busy.

Ana and I sat in the grass playing catch with baby Tyler. He was four years old and he had leukemia. I couldn't even imagine my own children being diagnosed with such a horrifying thing. He was a strong little boy. You wouldn't even think that he was so sick, because he was so hyperactive and energized. He's been smiling since he passed through those gates. And boy did he have a personality. He's been wooing Ana since she arrived. As much as I wanted to be jealous, I couldn't. He reminded me so much of an old friend of mine, Emmanuel.

I laughed softly as Tyler fell into her arms giggling wildy, while trying to take the ball that she refused to toss. It was such an adorable sight. The more I see her interactions with kids, the more I couldn't wait to have kids with her. The day she tells me that she's pregnant with our first child will warm my heart.

"C'mon Ana, give it back!" Tyler giggled loudly. She was now tickling his sides.

"Why should I? Huh?" She smiled.

The ball rolled towards me oblivious to them. So I took the ball and hid it behind my back. And to cover the fact that I had it, I focused my attention on the other three: Malcom, Connie, and Lewis. They were still petting Muscles.

"Is he being nice to you guys?" I asked gently, running my finger over the rough snakeskin. "Sometime he gets a little moody when he's away from his habitat."

"No, he's being nice Applehead. But he's heavy!" Malcom exclaimed, making me laugh with my hand over my stomach.

"Yeah, he's super duper heavy!" Connie agreed.

I nodded, letting them know that we were just about ready to head to the theater to watch a film. They spent a few more minutes enjoying the outdoors before we headed to our next destination. Ana and I held hands as we lead half of the children to the theater. I was told that the others were already there and waiting for us. And some of the hospital beds were occupied.

As we entered, I could hear all the other little voices either giggling, squealing, or chattering. It put a smile on my face always.

"What movie are we watching?" My love asked me with our bucket of popcorn in her free hand.

"I'm feeling like I want to watch Snow White this time," I replied while waving to the overly excited kids. Some even ran towards me for a hug. "Is that okay?"

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