73. Texts

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Sara's thumbs did that little dance over the screen every time she didnt know what to write in a text.She was sitting comfortably on the big sofa in Katie's house,her legs tucked under her thighs as she wondered what to type to Michael.

Her hazel eyes darted to the empty and now silent living room since Katie went to take a shower and Henry went to put the girls to bed.The only sound in the room was the rambling of some film on the TV.

The doc looked down at her screen again,her teeth piercing her lower lip and she felt her hands sweat and tremble slightly from the excitement.Even if it had been so long,Sara still remembered every digit of his phone number so here she was,tired but excited on a Friday night as she willed herself to ask him on a date tomorrow.

*heyy* 'no!That's lame' Sara's subconscious scolded her and she quickly erased the message. 'Think,goddamn ittt'

*hey Mike,I hope I'm not intruding, I was just hoping to know if you were free tomorrow by a chance?*

Her deft fingers wrote fastly and she stared at the message box,the send button on her Nokia more than tempting,but her being her, rearead it again just to make sure she didn't sound pressuring to see him.She didn't want him to feel rushed in any way because that would only result in him pushing her away and that's the last thing Sara wanted.

Her heart picked up speed and a small frustrated laugh escaped her mouth.God,she felt like a love sick teenage girl, her stomach whirling with butterflies that she didn't believe existed before Michael.

And finally she hit *send* with a final push of a button and immediately shut her phone off,leaving it on the decorative table and grabbed the brownish cushion that was beside her,burying her face in it to muffle whatever she thought sound would come out.

But the stupid realization that this would probably be an unknown number texting him downed on Sara and she felt like slapping herself on the forehead. That's what happens when you're so damn anxious and happy about a text at the same time.You forget to write your name at the end...

The doc quickly took her phone in her hands again and her shaking fingers hastily wrote a second message.

*this is Sara by the way* sent

Michael's blue eyes squinted and his nose scrunched in disapproval as he stared at the gray wall in his loft.It was around 10pm on a Friday night and he had decided to try to paint a happy little forest as Bob Ross would put it,but the moment he had started beating his brush to remove the excess painting, it flew from his hands,landing straight on the flawlessly painted wall and then on the floor,leaving a quite the size of dark green paint.

So much for a relaxing night at home...

"Fuck" the engineer cursed under his breath as his orbs observed the green for one last time before he retreated to his closet,only to return seconds later with a mop in his hand.At least he could clean the mess on the floor because it was more than clear that the wall could only be fixed if he repainted the spot.

A few of his bones cracked satisfyingly as he bent himself a bit to clean the floor,reminding him of how tense and aching his back was.Well no fucking wonder,since he was always slouching and leaning when at work.

'You're getting ooolddd' Lincoln's teasing words from a few weeks ago when Michael had whined like a bitch for his back pains, flashed in his mind and a small chuckle/scoff escaped his lips as he went to put back the mop in its place.

His stomach rumbled agonizingly as Michael washed his hands,ignoring the few stains on his fingertips that would probably stay for a while.Honestly he felt like a five year old sometimes.And further disappointment filled him as the engineer opened his fridge and saw nothing but a few beer cans and some leftovers that probably weren't okay to eat.His week had been so busy that he had forgotten to buy some proper food for himself.

With a defeated sigh,Michael grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter,ready to order himself some take out,but the two new messages in his inbox prickled his interest and Michael hurried to open the texts.

*hey Mike,I hope I'm not intruding, I was just hoping to know if you were free tomorrow by a chance?*

*this is Sara by the way*

Michael felt an immediate grin stretch on his dry lips as he reread Sara's two texts.She was asking him on a date..The thought swam excitedly in his mind and he seemed to not be able to sink it in,it felt a bit surreal. Throught out their whole relationship and even now,Michael had almost always been the one to take the initiative of them going somewhere and now it felt so...nice to see she was actually putting effort into repairing their friendship.

And the most adorable thing was that she had apparently thought he wouldn't remember her number.Joke was on her tho,because Michael knew it like the back of his hand and he couldn't even count the numerous times he had so desperately dialed her number while in Washington, but never had enough courage to call her.

He had been hurt and desperate and vulnerable and in a bad need to hear her shooting voice,but the coward and the Michael that didn't want to get hurt anymore always domineered and he would end up erasing the numbers and crying himself to sleep.
Only to repeat the cycle on the next day and the next one...

Michael felt the painful flashbalnks start towing on his chest so he shook his head in order to chase away the past year and the dreadful events of it.He was in the present now and while he knew he was no where near allowing himself to trust Sara, he also knew he couldn't let himself live in the past.It wasnt fair for him.

So with the giddiness still dancing low in his stomach and half a smile,his deft fingers quickly wrote a response.

*Saturday is clear :)*

he stared at the dumb words on his phone and wondered if he should type something else, but he was afraid to let his excitement show and the more he felt his guard falling down,the more Michael felt exposed and somewhat relieved.The problem was that he was still shit scared and confused.

His thumb pressed the send button and with a nervous sigh Michael called the nearest pizza place,his stomach now fluttering not only with hunger.

I'm sorry for this short and not so Interesting chapter and I'll try to make a double update,but no promises,anyways,hope you all had wonderful holidays

Xx stay safe Xx

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