37. Deafening Silence

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Song:"aim for the heart" from pb

When Sara and Michael got in his car and headed for his loft,Sara stayed quiet.Her hands were resting on her lap and she was facing the window,her reddish locks blown away from the summer breeze and she looked absolutely stunning.

Her silence worried him.Even tho their meet at the docks didnt end the way he had thought it would, thank God for which,there was still this nagging feeling that there was something way worse to come.

He felt that Sara's so valued presence next to him was limited and that she was slipping thru his fingers like sand.With every day that their feelings for one another got stronger it felt to him that he was losing her despite Sara showing him love.

There was this rumbling in his chest that was alarming and the thought of her leaving him was more than terrifying.

His blue gaze averted to her when they stopped at a red light and his hand seeked her smaller one.Her dainty fingers tangled with his and when her hazel eyes met his,Michael could see the doubt and sadness in them.She was slipping away from him...

They just sat and stared at each other,thousands of unspoken words reflecting in their orbs and he only clutched her hand tighter in his,to assure himself that Sara was still there,that she wasn't leaving him

When they heard a honk Michael quickly looked up to see it was already green light and with her hand still clasped in his,he continued their way to his loft.


When the lovers were behind the comfort of his dark loft Michael quickly locked the door and left the keys on the rack,his eyes trained on Sara who had barely mumbled a word to him.

"I'll take a shower" the doc announced quietly and without another word went in the bigger bathroom. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she leaned on the white door and closed her eyes.

What was she doing?Where was all this going?She didn't want to be with Dylan anymore but she was so scared of hurting him anymore than she had already done.

Katie's words ran thru her mind like knives that were sticking in her heart,not leaving a single place untouched and not bleeding

And Michael...Oh her Michael.

It wasn't fair to him.She wasn't fair with him.He deserved so much more than she had to offer.He deserved a woman that would really give herself to him.Sara would never do that while having an engagement ring on her finger.She loved him so much and hurting him like this was beyond devastating.

When she felt the hot tears run down her cheeks,the doc quickly stripped of her clothes and without waiting for the water to warm up she jumped in the shower.A wince escaped her at the cold water colliding with her skin,but she forced herself to stay there,her eyes tightly closed as the coldness slowly became warmth and her tears mixed with the water.

The wall was cool against her forehead as she leaned into it, sobbing quietly. Why did it have to be like this?Why did she have to destroy the only person in her life that actually made her happy?

The strong arms that suddenly embraced her naked body from behind startled the doc but she quickly relaxed when her eyes fell upon his tattoed talanted hands.She had been so in her head that she hadn't even heard him enter

Michael buried his nose in her wet long hair,hugging her tightly to his nude body.The way she was shaking with her crying only made him ache harder for her and the fact that he couldn't ease her pain was dreadful for him.

"I'm here, I love you" he sweetly whispered to her,kissing her hair and caressing her hands in a calming manner.

When Sara turned to him and her bloodshot eyes met his,she seemed so sad and vulnerable and all Michael wanted was to hug her until all her pain healed and went away.

Sara's hands snaked around his inked torso,their bodies flush together and while the position would have arose sexual tension between them,now they felt intimate on another level.They were both wounded and the touch of the other was calming,healing.

"I don't want to leave you" her voice cracked with the honest confession and she couldn't even feel the tears falling anymore as she stared at him.

"Then don't.I need you,Sara.You are my love,you are my life and my fresh air.Stay with me,sweetheart, stay with me" his tender voice was muffled with the sounds of falling water and when Sara buried her face in his tattoed chest his arms embraced her,hugging her tightly and close to his heart where he was sure she could hear his wildly pumping heart.

"I love you,Michael" her voice was barely audible as they stood under the spray of hot liquid.

Two people with equally wounded souls,trying to heal each other's wounds.Two people in love that was impossible for this world.Two people that touched but could never be together really. Two soulmates with chains separating them from enveloping each other's hearts in their undying love for one another.
That's what they were and would ever be.

So they both stood there in that bathroom,embracing one another and cherishing what could be their last moments together before the harsh reality hit them and in the blink of an eye they would be separated forever.

He let her cry against his shoulder,holding her tight as she weeped in pain of what was and would never be.And she held him close to her,letting him cherish what they were,to cherish what they had.

And as tear after tear fell down the drain the two lovers could only hope for God to have mercy on them and their hearts...

Who else is so sad about our Misa,cus I am.What do you think will happen to them from now on?
Also,feel free to check out my other Misa story called "her other half"

Till next time.

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